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Being Grateful

Being grateful is one of the keys to finding positivity and happiness at any age. We all know this instinctually. But, how can we increase our gratitude? This is the question that we will answer in this section.

2 years ago

The Practice of Grace and Gratitude in 2022

The tough times keep getting tougher, rougher, and more challenging. This past year, all our best intentions have been applied, discarded, salvaged, and rebirthed in a somewhat muted, less enthusiastic form. We survived 2020…

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2 years ago

Name It and Claim It – How Gratitude Can Boost Your Life

There’s a concept in psychology that can be readily summed up with, “Name it and claim it.” In a nutshell, it says that once you figure out the emotion that lies beneath your frustration, pain or anger, as in “name it,” you can then deal…

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3 years ago

The True Worth of Appreciation Over the Holidays

Traditionally, the holidays are a time of joy, of exuberance, of family get-togethers. However, it looks like the global pandemic will weigh heavy on this year’s holidays. If anything, restrictions are getting stricter for many, and joy is far…

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3 years ago

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving: Grateful for Nintendo Animal Crossing

I confess to having blue expectations about Thanksgiving this year. Our kids and friends had other plans or were too far away to make traveling accessible. The holiday does not really have enough days built in to justify the expense…

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3 years ago

The Importance of Gratitude This Thanksgiving

I’ve always considered November to be the month of gratitude. This is not to say that gratitude shouldn’t be practiced every month of the year, but during this month, I believe it’s particularly important to make it a priority…

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3 years ago

The Simple Power of Gratitude

Gratitude. A simple word. One we think we understand, and in the general sense, we do. But what we often fail to understand is the power of gratitude in our lives. Not just the feel-good power, but the actual benefit to our very practical, everyday lives…

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3 years ago

A 21-Day Journey to Unlock the Power of Gratitude

How often have you wondered what your life would look and feel like if you could magically bottle up a moment’s worth of joy and fulfillment to experience all the time? Some will say this is not possible. What if it is? In my personal life experiences, coupled with over a decade of research into […]

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3 years ago

4 Ways to Embrace Aging Without Growing Old

I began writing this article several times. The topic: aging. What to say: a lot, not much… not sure? Finally, I turned to some women from my personal circles, all of them between the ages of 50 and 75. I caught them a bit by surprise when I broached the subject…

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3 years ago

I’m a Marriage and Motherhood Survivor and I’m OK

As I look back on my 65 years, to say that my life did not turn out the way I expected would be an understatement. I wonder how many of us would be honest enough to say the same. I approached both marriage and motherhood with incredible idealism…

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3 years ago

The Beauty of Long Light Evenings Around the Summer Solstice

As winter slowly turns into spring, most people turn their thoughts to warmer weather, flowers in the park and, probably, the birds and the bees. These are all good things to welcome, in my view. But what I really like in the late spring, right up to the summer solstice…

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