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6 years ago

My Top 10 Cruise Packing Tips… and My New Travel Website!

I have a passion for cruising like many women in our Sixty and Me community. So, I recently started a new website called She Cruises – for women of all ages who love to cruise!

You can find all my She Cruises posts at but I wanted to feature one article that I think is of interest to any woman who is curious about how to prepare and pack. Read More

6 years ago

Reaching the Seventh Continent: My Journey to Antarctica

There aren’t many places left in the world to feel like a true explorer. Antarctica is one of them.

In early November 2018, I was lucky enough to fulfill a dream and be part of a 13-day learning adventure to Antarctica with Road Scholar — the not-for-profit educational travel organization for adults. Read More

6 years ago

How This 60+ Canadian Traveler Almost Ended Up in a Chinese Prison

I may be over 60, retired, and Canadian, but that doesn’t mean I’d willingly cause an international incident! No way I’m going to be in the spotlight, even if life is pushing me in that peculiar direction. Read More

6 years ago

10 Cruise Tips and Tricks to Help You Explore the World and Make New Friends

Life after 60 should be all about following your passions and exploring the world. Personally, I love the water, so, I’m always looking for cruise tips and tricks. Not only does cruising allow you to see the world from a completely new perspective, but, it is also a fantastic way to make new friends. Read More

6 years ago

8 Tips for Choosing a Cruise You Will Actually Love!

“I tried cruising once; I don’t think it’s for me.” This is usually said after accompanying a friend on a cruise that you had no say in choosing. Well, here’s the caveat. Those who decide they didn’t enjoy their cruise were most likely on the wrong ship! Read More

6 years ago

7 Nifty Ideas to Help Any Progressive Older Woman Pack the Right Colours for Light Travel

When we pack our travel bags, the one thing that gives us the most hardship is clothes. All of us traveling women know that making decisions about what to take can plague us: Should I take this? Will it match that? Read More

6 years ago

How Low Can You Go: 10 Items Older Women Must Take on a Week-long Cruise

I have long been an advocate of packing light. It has saved me more headaches than I can count. There have been times when I decided it was necessary to take a little more ‘just in case’ and I always regretted it. Read More

6 years ago

6 Hip Winter Holiday Ideas that Won’t Cost an Arm and a Leg

Traveling in winter holds a special allure – it can be fun to get away from home if you live in a cold weather climate and enjoy sunnier days. Or even if you don’t want to go to the beach, traveling in winter can also be an ideal opportunity to explore new cities or enjoy some “indoor sights,” whether that means restaurants, cinema, museums, concerts or nightlife.

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6 years ago

Cities Are the Latest HOT Boomer Retirement Destinations… How to “Try Before You Buy”

Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in cities. According to the UN, that number is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. By that time, two out of every three people are likely to be living in urban areas. And, millions of these city dwellers will be retirees! Read More

6 years ago

Romantic Destinations: 5 Tips for Women Traveling Solo After 60

After losing my husband and globe-trotting partner of 24 years to cancer, I knew I would travel again someday. At nearly 60, I was still a relatively young woman, and there was a lot of world left to see. But my trips to so-called ‘romantic’ destinations were history as far as I was concerned. Read More