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5 years ago

Travel Over 50: Top 10 Packing Tips from an Experienced Journey Lover

Are you a mature woman planning a trip in the near future? Or the spring or summer? When packing for a trip that would take a week or longer, you really must plan ahead for most contingencies. Read More

5 years ago

9 Useful Tips When Travelling as a Senior Couple on a Budget

Budgets! You either hate them or love them. Since 2013, we have been nomads – travelling the world having adventures and writing for our lifestyle website To Travel Too. We have grown to love our travel budget!

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5 years ago

Vacationing Abroad After 50? It Takes Good Food to Stay Regular in the Bathroom

Recently, I returned from a 10-day tour of China. The highlight, unsurprisingly, would have to be the Great Wall, but I was also blown away by the wonderful “hidden treasures” this county has to offer…

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5 years ago

What Are You Doing for Your “Summer Vacation” (Which Is the Rest of Your Life)?

The day was very dusty, and as always happens in Mongolia, very windy. In a huge bowl surrounded by cliffs and mountains near Uglii, the small city where the main Eagle Festival takes place at the beginning of the Central Asian winter…

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5 years ago

Two Longtime Teachers Get a Well-Deserved Reward… and Share it with Their Students

Fall is back-to-school time and, with classrooms in full swing, the time is always perfect to mention that learning is a lifelong opportunity. Where would we be without wonderful teachers in our lives?

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5 years ago

8 Tips for Your First Adventure Cruise

This is how I describe my first adventure cruise: “Summer camp for adults with gourmet food and alcohol.” Read More

5 years ago

A Salute to Journeywoman Founder Evelyn Hannon – The First Travel Blogger

In April of this year, we lost a pioneer in women’s travel. Evelyn Hannon, the founder and editor of Jour-neywoman, passed away. She was, by all accounts, a private person…

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5 years ago

The Importance of Being an Adventurous Traveler After 50

As a generation, we have never liked the idea of being told how to behave. We didn’t accept society’s rules in the 60s and we don’t accept them now that we are in our 60s. Read More

5 years ago

7 Things Every Woman Over 60 Should Take with Her When Traveling

How daunting it is to pack for your holiday! It is confusing, tricky and frustrating, but I think I got it right – now, after 6 years.

Since 2013, I have been travelling the world. I first out with a 100-litre bag, then a 65-litre bag and now just with a carry on and a daypack. Read More

5 years ago

The Heartwarming Story of an 89-Year-Old Grandma Who Visited 29 National Parks with Her Grandson

September 27th is World Tourism Day. Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated the day to recognize the good things that tourism does, including job creation, heightened cross-cultural learning and economic improvements. Road Scholar, the not-for-profit leader in educational travel for older adults, is taking this opportunity to celebrate the millions of […]

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