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Finding love after 60 is possible. All you need is honest senior dating advice, information about which senior dating sites work and tips for finding someone special.

1 year ago

To Date or Not to Date, Is That Really the Question?

I have been divorced for 15 years and in that time period I have had three two-year relationships and many dates. Relationship #1 ended in his unexpected death. #2 ended because he bored me into a coma, #3 was with a musician 13 years younger…

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1 year ago

Single for a Reason – Is This Your Case?

SFAR (single for a reason) is a real thing. On a monthly basis, in my line of work as a dating coach, I talk to dozens of clients… plus women who want to become clients. And the things I hear overlap. Let me be honest and say that this will be straightforward…

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1 year ago

Crystals and Gemstones for Love and Seduction

Whether you are waiting for Valentine’s Day to celebrate love or you are a passionate person all year round, let’s have a conversation about love, passion, and seduction and the fascinating gemstones and crystals that can spice up your romantic life…

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2 years ago

Forget About Dating Resolutions in 2023

Since we know the majority of New Year’s Resolutions fall to the wayside by the end of January (a whopping 75%), let’s skip them this year regarding your love life! Perhaps you think that if you sign up for a long-term gym membership…

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2 years ago

Why Am I still Single? Is a Very Common Question

As a dating coach, I frequently hear this question: “Andrea, why am I still single? I’m successful, have plenty of friends, a solid social life and interests, and when I put my mind to something, I generally accomplish it…

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2 years ago

What I’ve Learned from the Men in My Life That Women Often Miss (Even After 50)

The reality of stepping out there after a long hiatus – whether you’re divorced or widowed – is anxiety-producing. But what I’ve learned about myself and about men couldn’t have been experienced otherwise…

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2 years ago

Mature Dating Tips: 5 First Date Questions… and 5 Topics to Avoid!

I believe that first dates are meant to be light and airy as you spend time getting to know someone. Most women in their 50s and 60s don’t realize they have choices they didn’t have in their 20s as to how a man can fit in their life…

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2 years ago

What’s Your New Year’s Dating Resolution?

Happy December, my 60 and Me friends. I know what a whirlwind December can be and how fast the month flies by – family, friends, parties, happy times, reminiscing of people we wish were still with us and happy to celebrate the festivities once again…

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2 years ago

You’re Never Too Old to Find Love

Life begins again at 60, right? Well, it does if you have the right attitude and know that age is just a number. You can downsize and enjoy the freedom of less stuff; you can start a new business or volunteer; you can pursue long deferred dreams…

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2 years ago

5 Online Dating Trends for 2023

As we round the corner into 2023, it’s hard to believe 2022 is nearly behind us. I think back to Jan 2022 as a dating coach and the changes I’ve seen in dating patterns in the past 10 months alone. Yes, Covid is still among us – but we have learned…

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