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Finding love after 60 is possible. All you need is honest senior dating advice, information about which senior dating sites work and tips for finding someone special.

1 year ago

3 Things NOT to Expect When You Start Dating Online

When I first started dating in my late 40s, online dating was in its infancy. There wasn’t a lot known about how it worked. Since my friends didn’t know single men, I thought I’d better figure this new way of dating out if I was going to meet the perfect man for me…

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1 year ago

10 Online Dating Tips That You Rarely Read About

Let me just say that I’m never, ever bored with my job. Why? As a dating coach, I just never know what’s going to happen next with my clients. Some follow my advice, others are very creative – in a good way. That being said, here are 10 tips…

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1 year ago

Can You Keep Old Relationships from Ruining New Ones?

By the time you’re over 60, you’ve had at least one, maybe more, significant love relationships. If you’re reading this article, chances are good that you’re single now. It’s a fact: Love brings both good and bad to our lives. Being in love is the most exciting feeling…

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1 year ago

Texts/Messages Not Leading to a Date? Here’s Why

Online texting/messaging is both an art and a science. The art portion is being imaginative, short, sweet and knowing your audience. The science part is super simple: On average, an online dater can expect that with every 10 messages they shoot into cyberspace…

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1 year ago

5 Tips for Lasting Relationships

I woke up this morning thinking about relationships – the ebb and flow, but also, how much I appreciate the changes from dating in our 20s to the realities of dating in our 60s. As a dating coach, I am grateful we are in the 2020s vs. the 1990s…

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1 year ago

How to Get Fun and Flirty Without Feeling Awkward

We all know how to flirt at least a little bit because some flirting happens subconsciously. This means it happens without our conscious awareness, so it’s very natural and automatic. Super sexual flirting isn’t done naturally, and that’s…

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1 year ago

What Men Really Want from Women When Dating

If you’ve dated a single day in your life, you’ve probably wondered about the answer to this question. What do men want? With over 25 years of experience working with both men and women, I can share some good news. What both sexes want from dating…

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1 year ago

3 Ways to Approach the Dating Process

Have you considered that there are different approaches to the dating process? Well, there are. For some people, dating is like an adventure. Others whine all the time that they can’t find anyone worth dating. And still others, like a challenge. Which one are you? Let’s have a look at each of them separately. Adventure […]

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1 year ago

How Does Masculine and Feminine Energy Impact Your Love Life?

One of the most common things I hear from women regarding what they want in a relationship is that they are looking for a true partner to share life’s joys and responsibilities. We are tired of being ‘in charge’ of everything, even though we’re so good at it…

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1 year ago

Are There Any Good Men Left to Date After 60? The Truth May Surprise You

As you already know, attracting Mr. Right into your life can be a bit challenging. Unfortunately, growing up with fairy tales as children and romantic movies as an adult, you probably got an unrealistic picture of who men are…

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