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Finding love after 60 is possible. All you need is honest senior dating advice, information about which senior dating sites work and tips for finding someone special.

9 years ago

Is it Really Possible to Find Love After 50?

When you ask most single older people if they would like to find love after 50, the answer is almost always yes. But, if you ask them whether they think it is actually possible to find love after 50, their answers are more mixed. Some people believe that finding love is possible at any age. Others are skeptical. Read More

9 years ago

Who Are the Sexiest Male Celebrities Over 60?

One of the biggest misconceptions about aging is that we no longer care about beauty, sex or romantic companionship. What rubbish!

Older women today are challenging stereotypes and living life with verve and passion. We want to look great, even if we don’t really care what other people think. We want to build meaningful Read More

9 years ago

Over 50 Dating Tips for Women from a World-Renowned Dating Coach

One of the best things about running Sixty and Me is that I get to interview so many fascinating people. Recently, I have interviewed over 50 dating coaches and entrepreneurs, doctors and yoga teachers. Each discussion was unique in its own way, but, I have to be honest that I have a special place in my heart for my interview with dating coach, David Wygant. Read More

9 years ago

Dating After 60: A Love Psychologist’s Guide

I’ve met a lot of discouraged mid-life ladies, women who worry that, when it comes to dating after 60, all men want is someone young and hot. And yes, most men would like to find a younger woman; and they put a premium on aspects of beauty that are tough to maintain as we age. I could tell you they don’t, but I’d be lying, undercutting my own credibility, and going against data collected all over the world.

Yet you can successfully compete with younger women. Here’s how, in five scientifically proven steps: Read More

9 years ago

Have You Given Up on Finding Love After 60?

When I talk with the women in our community about senior dating, I am usually met with skeptical responses. It seems like the majority of us really do believe that finding love after 60 is practically impossible. Read More

10 years ago

What are the Best Senior Dating Sites? A No-Nonsense Comparison (Video)

Like so many things in life, dating is a numbers game. But, as we get a little older it sometimes feels like the odds are tipped against us! There is good news though. In the last few years, companies have started to realize that there is a huge opportunity to help people over 50 to find partners and have opened senior dating sites just for us. Read More

10 years ago

Mature Dating: Should Older Women Look for Younger Men?

Many older single women spend a lot of time looking for an attractive, kind, older, single man. While it’s true that some of us find the man of our dreams after 60, the majority of women that I have spoken to are deeply skeptical of this approach. Read More

10 years ago

5 Surprising Things that Are Different About Dating After 60 (Video)

Women in their 60s have enjoyed wonderful relationships and experienced their share of disappointments too. Some of us got married right out of high-school. Others waited until their 20s or 30s to tie the knot. Still others of us decided to stay single and chart our own course.

Regardless of the paths that we took, most of us quickly came to understand men. We may not have always liked what we saw, but, unlike men, who constantly ask “what do women want,” we knew what to expect from the opposite sex. Read More

10 years ago

Trust Life a Bit and Don’t Give Up on Finding Love After 50

There is a powerful quote by Maya Angelou that says “To those who have given up on love, I say trust life a little bit.”  In the past, when I have shared this quote with the women in our community, I have been met with sad, almost cynical responses. Read More

10 years ago

What a Trip to Paris Taught Me About Dating Over 60

I love trains. There’s something about zipping through the country side that makes me feel like I’m in an adventure novel. Perhaps it’s the hustle and bustle that I find appealing. Or, maybe it’s just the idea of “going on an adventure” that takes me back to being a little girl, my head full of dreams.

Living in Switzerland, I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to take the train to Paris from time to time. No matter how many times I go, I always learn something new. This trip was no exception! Read More