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Forcing Myself to “Go with the Flow”

By Leslie Moon February 17, 2024 Mindset

I know the readers of Sixty and Me are scattered all over the globe. In my little corner of the world last week, right outside Washington, DC, we’d been having winter weather. Snow and ice on top of snow and ice and bitterly cold temperatures.

I do not drive in the snow, so when it comes, it often interferes somewhat with my plans, especially on the first day until the roads get cleared.

My husband and I had planned a couple of days’ escape to our new beach home in North Carolina and the night before we were planning to go, we were to get snow.

My inclination was to just postpone it right then and there and not go.

My husband said, “Let’s get up in the morning, see what the roads are like, and make our decision then.”

I’m sure I must have looked at him like he had two heads. But, in theory, that plan seemed reasonable. So, I agreed.

Adjusting to not knowing what I was going to be doing the next day drove me even crazier than I imagined it might.

My Brain

For the majority of my now 62+ years, I have been a woman who needs to be in control and know all that is going to happen so that I can plan for it and be prepared for it!

I talk a lot about how I have been working for the last two years to escape this tendency by engaging the practice of being present. I realized that throughout my life, I had spent so much of my time planning, worrying, and figuring out next steps, that I was never truly present in any moment in my life!

I missed so much joy!

It was amazing how quickly that one statement from my husband, which I agreed with, “Let’s make our decision then,” set me back (in my brain).

How am I going to bed having no idea what I’m doing tomorrow?

But, I did it. And I even slept!

The Next Morning

My husband got up, cleared our driveway, and drove around a little bit to assess the road conditions. I still had no idea what we were going to be doing THAT DAY – I wasn’t packed if we were actually going to go.

At this point, my anxiety about the snow was gone. I didn’t care what we did. I just wanted a decision made and to know what I was doing.

We made the decision to go – and had a great time.

Life Lessons Learned from This Experience

The Value in Being Present

I engaged that practice the night before we left. I had my glass of wine, read my book, played with my dogs, and enjoyed my dinner. I was warm and watching the snow. I slept.

That’s all I needed to do that night. Worrying about the next day and what or might not happen wouldn’t change a thing. Except that it would ruin a perfectly nice evening.

Being present reduced my anxiety considerably. It allowed me to find the joy and gratitude in my evening. In spite of not knowing what I was going to be doing the next day.

I cannot stress the importance of adding this habit to your daily routine – for all women, but particularly those in this community. We tend to miss so much joy when we are worrying, anxious, or trying to achieve perfection.

Know That You Can Do Hard Things

Although in comparison to so many other life circumstances, this was NOT hard, it was hard for me in that moment. I gave up control.

But telling myself that I can do hard things and that I have done much harder things is helpful.

It reminds me that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for.

It Typically Works Out – Whether We Are Controlling It or Not

Sometimes we don’t have to know everything that “might” or “might not” happen in every situation.

Often, we need to relax and allow ourselves to trust the process and more importantly, to trust those around us.

In this seemingly “unimportant/minor” situation, I allowed myself to do something that is NOT me: I allowed myself to go with the flow.

Not only did I survive it, I had a great time with my husband.

Will it be easy for me to do it next time? Not easy, but hopefully easier and easier each time I do it.

We are never too old to grow from these everyday life experiences when we allow ourselves to be present in them.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

How easy or hard is it for you to go with the flow? I’d love to hear of any experiences you had where you did or didn’t practice this and how they played out. Do you engage in the practice of being present in your daily life?

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Going with the flow doesn’t mean plans don’t get made … They might & of course they do. I think it’s more of a “knowing” somewhere in our being that we are never in control, although it is a very convincing illusion. This is not comfortable but can be freeing. Make a plan then go with the flow if possible. Or notice that you feel a huge resistance!
I’m not religious in any conventional sense but I do remember resonating with something my mother used to say –
God laughs at people making plans!
Thanks for a great article x

Last edited 11 months ago by Shelley

Thank you for this, Shelley! I did smile at your mother’s statement.

The Author

Leslie is the founder of Life Balance After 50 where she uses her background in counseling and behavior analysis to help women navigate their goals and dreams after 50. She created a free mini workbook along with a guide and a full-length workbook for women who are looking to redefine and find joy and purpose in their second half of life. Contact Leslie at

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