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Search Results for: weight

Lost Childhood? It’s Never Too Late for a Do-Over!

By Sherry Bronson January 22, 2021

You’ve heard it said that youth is wasted on the young. It’s true! But some of us had no childhood to waste. We were subject to forces beyond our control and became old before our time. Because of my mother’s sudden critical…

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Another Reason to Add Vitamin D to your Health Arsenal

By Joy Stephenson-Laws January 17, 2021

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” since our bodies naturally produce it when we are exposed to sunlight. It is pretty amazing for its wide variety of health benefits. These include supporting healthy teeth and bones, helping protect us…

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Senior Isolation Meets Creative Solution

By Anthony Cirillo January 12, 2021

I fell into a mission for older people, not through caregiving as many think (that would come later) but through singing. Tired of playing in casinos and night clubs, I went into a senior community and started singing to the residents…

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Financially, Millennials Have More in Common with Their Grandparents Than Us!

By Karen Venable December 20, 2020

Our attitudes toward the important things in life – relationships, money, and careers – are shaped by the experiences we have in our youth. The Millennial generation – our kids, in other words – are demonstrating this in their attitudes…

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Holiday Fashion for At-Home Celebrations (VIDEO)

By Andrea Pflaumer December 18, 2020

Christmas and New Year are upon us. A lot of you are not feeling it. You may have a lot of reasons to stay in hiding! But here’s some advice: don’t! If you have gotten comfortable with your endless routine of…

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End of Life Planning is for Everyone: 5 Ways to Save Money on Death Care Costs

By Gail Rubin December 11, 2020

Despite great advances in medical care, humans still have a 100% mortality rate. Yet fewer than 30% of adults do any end-of-life planning: wills or trusts, advance medical directives and pre-need funeral planning…

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Caring for Yourself While Caring for Another: 6 Critical Self-Care Practices

By T. Kari Mitchell November 28, 2020

At some point in your life, you may be called to accept the role of caregiver for a dear friend or family member. And when you do, will you be prepared to make self-care a priority? My mom and I were very close and enjoyed a long…

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5 Common Symptoms of Menopause and What to Do About Them

By Julie Dargan November 27, 2020

At an online summit I hosted, I interviewed 15 women who found relief from their menopause symptoms by making simple diet and lifestyle changes. These women did not accept hot flashes, weight gain, and lack of energy…

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How to Prepare for Bunion Surgery

By Peg Doyle November 13, 2020

I’m writing this post because bunion problems are so much a part of the Sixty and Me set, and I’m about to have one corrected. Years of ill-fitting shoes and high heels have not been friends to our feet, and mine have come to the point…

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Taking Stock and Taking Care as a Woman After 60

By Julia Hubbel November 12, 2020

Halloween dawned, or tried to, with the famous Blue Moon likely to be hidden behind some clouds. This year I spent it a long way away from where I was last year at this time, having moved myself Lock Stock and Barrel to another part of America…

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