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Search Results for: addiction

How to Cope with Sleepless Nights and Mid-Afternoon Slumps After 60

By Sally Dowling July 11, 2020

As I move through my 60s – somewhat bemused by my imminent ageing – I notice that my sleep patterns are changing. Are your sleep patterns changing with age? Gone are the days when I needed an alarm clock to wake me up…

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Nothing Similar Between Weddings and Funerals? Check Out These 3 Planning Tips!

By Gail Rubin May 19, 2020

Funerals and memorial services are the parties no one wants to plan. My niece and her fiancé took months to put together all of the elements of their wedding. This young man’s parents had the heart-wrenching task of creating a funeral in five days…

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Too Much Sitting? Health Consequences Are Comparable to Smoking!

By Kay Van Norman April 26, 2020

Is sitting the new smoking? A 2014 article in the New York Times described research by Dr. Levine of Mayo Clinic identifying sitting as a “lethal” activity with many of the same health consequences as smoking…

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My 10 Indispensable Tools for Sheltering at Home

By Barbara Greenleaf April 19, 2020

Just as you wouldn’t travel to Europe without packing a suitcase or go to the beach without bringing a swimsuit, so you need the proper tools to shelter at home…

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These Bad Habits Will Kill Your Healthy Aging Prospects

By Margaret Manning March 15, 2020

Talking to my fellow baby boomers, I’m convinced that many of us don’t realize just how many years are ahead of us – or how important healthy aging really is.

Even if we understand, “in theory,” that we have at least 20-30 more years to live, we may not have fully internalized this fact. As a result, when it comes to bad habits, like smoking or drinking too much alcohol, many of us take the position that “the damage has been done, so why change now?” Read More

How Downsizing Early Could Help You Save $200K Extra for Retirement

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2020

It’s not surprising that downsizing has become a big trend in the United States and other Western countries. After all, we are simply drowning in stuff! How much stuff? Well, according to the LA Times, the average U.S. household contains 300,000 items…

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I’m a Workaholic, and It’s Time to Deal with It

By Delia Lloyd February 26, 2020

My chief goal for this year is to figure out why I work. Yeah, I know that sounds absurd. But when I created my New Year’s resolutions this year, I realized that while my writing…

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Already Downsized? Learn How to Buy Without Adding Clutter to Your Life

By Elizabeth Dunkel January 09, 2020

If I read one more article about downsizing and decluttering, I think I’ll scream. At first it was refreshingly liberating, this KonMari method of asking, “Does this item bring me joy?” – yes, you’re in; no you’re out. Boom!

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CBD – A Boomer Health Trend to Watch in 2020

By Joy Stephenson-Laws December 31, 2019

This is the time of year when pundits make their annual predictions about which trends or products will be hot (and which will not) over the next 12 months. Given my passion for all things related to getting and staying healthy…

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Jumping Off a Major Cliff After 60? You Can Do It Without Going Splat

By Terri Edmund December 30, 2019

Almost always, when we reach the other side of a difficult time, there’s a place we rest and say, “Whew, glad that’s over.” It might be a divorce, a battle with the IRS, a year of financial torture or intense grief…

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