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Search Results for: yoga

4 Senior Travel Programs for Women Who Love to Learn

By Sixty and Me May 07, 2015

Learning is a lifelong process and today’s travelers are combining learning with travel as never before. When it comes to senior travel, learning vacations offer opportunities to expand horizons, make new friends and stay mentally and physically fit.  Women can choose from many senior travel programs that include fun, enjoyable learning opportunities. Read More

Going to the Gym After 60 – Cheer or Chore?

By Margaret Manning May 06, 2015

Whenever someone asks me what they can do to get more from life after 60, I have a simple answer – exercise. On some level, we all know that getting in shape is essential to every aspect of our lives. Read More

Travel is a State of Mind, Not a Destination

By Margaret Manning April 21, 2015

Baby boomers have always embraced the spirit of travel. In our youth, we understood that it is not the destination, but the journey, that counts. So, we stuck out our thumbs, jumped in our friend’s VW vans, laced up our shoes and set out to explore the world. Read More

How to Avoid Urban Isolation After 50

By Margaret Manning April 20, 2015

Urban living can be exciting for older men and women but city living can also bring on feelings of isolation and loneliness. It’s true that in a city there is an infrastructure more suited to a less mobile lifestyle usually with a public transportation, parks, museums, and education and entertainment opportunities. But we all know that even in a crowd one can be lonely and so it is important to think about specific ways that an urban dweller can avoid isolation and make the most of living in a city.  Read More

Losing Weight After 50 is More About Exercise than Diet, Study Says

By Margaret Manning April 19, 2015

Why is losing weight after 50 so tough? It’s a question we all end up asking ourselves at some point. A few years ago, I decided that, when it came to my weight, enough was enough. So, like many boomers, I systematically went through all of my cupboards, removing all of the white bread, biscuits and chocolate. Trust me when I say it was a traumatic experience. I even started drinking green shakes and made my own protein bars, which were surprisingly delicious, after the 137th attempt.

There was just one problem. After months on my new diet, I hadn’t lost any weight. Read More

Advice for Finding Friends and Beating Loneliness from 50 Women Over 50

By Margaret Manning April 16, 2015

Many years ago, I had a good friend who had just gone through a very difficult loss and was overwhelmed with sadness. All I could do for the first few weeks was sit with her while she cried. Over time, she revealed the depth of her guilt and sadness and I realized that it was going to take her a long time to heal. Read More

6 Life-Changing Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves on Their 60th Birthday

By Margaret Manning April 13, 2015

So, your 60th birthday is almost here. Congratulations! You’ve already accomplished so much in your life – and you’re just getting started! At the same time, it’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive as you approach this important milestone. I know I did. Read More

Is Senior Dating Really So Horrible?

By Margaret Manning April 07, 2015

I love a great debate. Last week, I was sitting in a café near my gym when I overheard a group of women my age in a heated conversation about senior dating. Read More

Fitter or Fatter? Why Boomers Aren’t as Healthy as People Think

By Margaret Manning March 22, 2015

One of the claims that is often made about baby boomers is that we are “the healthiest generation of all time.” But, is this really true? We are certainly destined to live longer than any generation before us. At the same time, a study from the University of Toronto is shedding doubt on the idea that we are actually healthier than other generations. Read More

Over 50 Dating Tips for Women from a World-Renowned Dating Coach

By Margaret Manning February 24, 2015

One of the best things about running Sixty and Me is that I get to interview so many fascinating people. Recently, I have interviewed over 50 dating coaches and entrepreneurs, doctors and yoga teachers. Each discussion was unique in its own way, but, I have to be honest that I have a special place in my heart for my interview with dating coach, David Wygant. Read More