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Search Results for: music

4 Unusual Cruises That Will Change the Way You Look at the World (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 21, 2016

Travel, at its best, will heal your soul, broaden your mind and deepen your understanding of the world. While some people think that cruises merely involve beaches, umbrella drinks and pre-planned shore excursions, you can find unusual cruises that will forever change your perspective. Read More

How Much Are New Memories of Old Classic Rock Worth?

By Dave Price May 20, 2016

Unless you’ve been living alone in a desert for the last few months, you’ve probably heard about the impressive Desert Trip concert, scheduled for this fall. It’s a 3-day mega-event in California featuring per­formances by 6 of the greatest artists or groups of the Classic Rock era – The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, The Who, Neil Young, and Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd. Read More

The Secret to Senior Dating – Saying No to “Take-Out Order Dating”

By Lisa Copeland May 12, 2016

The senior dating game can be tough. Not only can it bruise your ego, but, it can also bring up all the unhealed rejection that happened earlier in life. Read More

Watermelon Seeds, Kimonos and the Art of Connecting with Your Inner Child

In the 1950s, in Kansas, where I grew up, little girls always kept their legs together when sitting. They were seen and not heard. It was unthinkable to have the same privileges as boys – like not wearing shirts on blistering hot, humid summer days. Read More

Does Forgiveness Get Easier or Harder with Age?

By Margaret Manning May 08, 2016

I can confidently say that every single woman in the Sixty and Me community has been hurt, betrayed or cheated on at least once in her life. In fact, by the time you reach our age, it’s likely that you have a long list of grievances against other people. Read More

How Getting Organized for Retirement Sent Me Spinning Down Memory Lane

By Jayne Ragheb April 19, 2016

Today, I started packing up my home. The memories were playing in my head while I packed and taped the bubble-wrap. We spend so many years saving things, like little snippets of our lives…

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Planning Your Own Funeral? Here Are 3 Important Things to Consider (Video)

By Margaret Manning April 16, 2016

On the surface, the concept of planning your own funeral sounds pretty depressing. After all, who wants to admit that they are mortal? Even those of us who accept the fact that we will one day no longer be on this beautiful planet, don’t like to think about it too often. Read More

5 Ways that Palliative Care Improves the Quality of Life for Terminally Ill Patients (Video)

By Margaret Manning April 12, 2016

Most of us don’t think about palliative care until someone that we love needs it. In some ways, this is natural. No-one likes to think about their own mortality and it is even harder to imagine someone close to us suffering. That said, there are many reasons to talk about death, even if we are not yet directly impacted by it. Read More

What Speaking on a Cruise Ship Taught Me About Being a Superlifer

By Jane Aireton April 11, 2016

I am having so much fun being a guest blogger on Sixty and Me. The strength and vibrancy of this community is amazing and I love interacting with you all. Read More

Getting Older Should Be About Looking Forward, Not Back

By Jayne Ragheb March 10, 2016

Why do we live in the past? Why don’t we look forward to whatever years we have left? Is it because we know we’re going to die? If so, I can’t think of a better reason to enjoy our lives and keep planning for the future. We should never stop dreaming, dancing, laughing and learning. Read More