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Search Results for: yoga

Going Through a Divorce After 60? Here’s How to Protect Yourself (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 14, 2016

When you are going through a divorce after 60, all you want to do is climb under a rock and wait for it all to pass. Read More

4 Ways Travel Feeds Your Body, Mind and Soul as an Older Adult

By Margaret Manning May 10, 2016

I have always loved to travel. I experienced my first wild and wonderful Atlantic crossing, on the Queen Elizabeth, when I was only 8-years-old. Read More

Do Men Still See Women Over 60? More Importantly, Do We Still See Ourselves?

By Andrea Pflaumer April 17, 2016

Several years ago, while out shopping with a close friend, we had a somewhat disturbing conversation. This friend is about 18 months older than I and, at the time, had just turned 60. Read More

Are You Thinking Too Much to be Happy?

By Margaret Manning April 02, 2016

Women over 60 have a lot on our minds. In fact, you could argue that, as a group, we are thinking too much. We worry about our kids, so far away and yet so close to our hearts. We obsess about whether we have saved enough for retirement. We wonder whether we will be able to stay healthy and fit in the coming decades. Read More

What is the Best Home Exercise Equipment for Older Adults?

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2016

I used to think that staying in shape was the same at any age. Until recently, I would have laughed at the concept of exercise equipment for older adults. After all, do older adults really have different needs when it comes to exercise equipment? Now, in my mid-60s, I am not laughing anymore! Read More

Grandmothers Ain’t What They Used To Be!

By Deborah Drezon Carroll February 27, 2016

There’s an American folksong, by an author unknown, titled, “The Old Gray Mare.” In it, the chorus opines, “The old gray mare she ain’t what she used to be, many long years ago.” The history of the song is also unknown. Some believe it’s about a racehorse. Read More

Your Wisdom is a Resource! Here Are 3 Ways You Can Use it to Help Yourself and Others

By Diane Dahli February 26, 2016

“In youth we learn, in age we understand.” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote these words when she was seventy-five years old. Read More

Is Your Age Causing Your Sleep Problems? The Answer May Surprise You…

By Margaret Manning February 25, 2016

After we reach our 60th birthday, it’s easy to blame our age for all of our problems. Feeling a little forgetful? That’s just a part of aging! Can’t lose those extra pounds? Don’t worry! It’s harder to lose weight after 60! Having trouble falling asleep at night? Deal with it! That’s what happens when you get a little older. Read More

3 Reasons Balance Exercises for Seniors Are So Important

By Margaret Manning February 20, 2016

I didn’t really understand the importance of balance exercises for seniors until I fell on a rainy evening in Paris, about 5 years ago. Read More

Are Your Fears Stopping You from Making Friends as an Adult?

By Margaret Manning February 15, 2016

Humans are hard-wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Unfortunately, when it comes to making friends as an adult, our self-protective instincts can be our worst enemies. Read More