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Search Results for: wisdom

The Art of Remembering How We Have Become Who We Are

By Diana Raab January 22, 2024

The beginning of a new year is a good time to reflect on not only the memories of the year prior, but the accumulation of memories that define who we are. Certain milestones, natural and manmade disasters, joys, triumphs, and crises are all considered…

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Ageless Bonds: An Exploration of the Vital Importance of Friendships as We Grow Older

By Diane Bruno January 20, 2024

In the fabric of life, friendships are the threads that weave through our journey, creating a vibrant pattern that only deepens with time. As we age, the value of these connections becomes immeasurable, contributing significantly to our emotional…

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Soothe Your Pain with This Beautiful Body Love Exercise!

By Astrid Longhurst January 19, 2024

Loving our body can be challenging when we are experiencing any kind of pain. Whether it’s physical, mental or emotional pain that we feel, the last thing that many of us want to do is to stay with it, love it and befriend it. However, these are the very…

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How to Make Your Savings Stick Around a Bit

By Hanna Morrell January 18, 2024

Regardless of your income, it can be difficult to build savings. We all know we should be building savings and not just using it for any purpose, but we haven’t really been told how to do that.
Just expecting yourself to automatically build savings is not enough…

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Yes, You Can Design Your Mind

By Alainnah Robertson January 17, 2024

The human mind is a complex and powerful entity that has been a subject of fascination and exploration throughout history. In our quest for self-improvement and personal growth, we often seek ways to design and shape our minds…

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5 Effective Ways to Visualize Your Dreams in 2024

By Joanie Marx January 12, 2024

When it comes to manifesting your dream life after 60, few things work as consistently well as visualization. If it works so well, why do few people consciously apply this? And how can you go about visualizing your dreams into a more fulfilling reality…

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Lies About Getting Older – Have You Heard of Them?

By Julia Hubbel January 12, 2024

This is not about being superior or judgmental or “lookitme.” It is, however, about choices. This man didn’t exercise before his accident. I did. Including yoga six days a week…

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Meeting Our Ancestors in 2024

By Diana Raab January 11, 2024

By the time we arrive in our seventh decade, most of us have lost a number of loved ones. Some of those individuals might have been ancestors who were mentors, or those who changed our lives in some way. Ancestors can also be places…

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I Gather, Therefore I Am: Finding Other Women for Health and Happiness

By Danna Walker January 08, 2024

As I sat in a local restaurant at lunchtime, waiting for my friend, I looked around and saw a large room filled with women doing exactly the same thing. We were all gathering to commiserate, share, expound and take or offer encouragement and advice – woman to woman, beet salad to beet salad – no topic too large or too trivial to take on.

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Was Turning 60 an Unhappy Birthday for You?

By Darlene McCarthy Barnfield January 03, 2024

Celebrating 60 was a long time in coming for me. “It’s shocking,” I would say to friends as it started to sink in that August was right around the corner, and I was fast approaching a milestone I did not look forward to. My reaction would not have surprised anyone. I had always been age averse…

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