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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Navigating Late-Life Divorce: Insights for Business-Owning Couples

By Brian Joslyn October 04, 2023

In the realm of divorce, where most states follow the principle of equitable distribution of property, older individuals facing the complexities of gray divorce often find themselves grappling with fear and confusion. This uncertainty primarily stems…

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Navigating the Years Before Retirement: 5 Tips for Staying Focused, Relevant, and Sane

By Deborah Voll October 03, 2023

Retirement is a significant milestone in life; a time to reap the rewards of your hard work and embark on new adventures. But for women over 60, who are just a couple of years away from retirement, it can be challenging to stay focused…

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Mastering Balance: How Pilates Unlocks a Fall-Proof Life After 50 (VIDEO)

By Christine Kirkland October 03, 2023

It’s a startling revelation: for individuals over the age of 50, an inability to stand on one foot for a mere 10 seconds has been linked to a higher risk of mortality from any cause over the next decade. This alarming discovery…

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8 Incredible Places to See the Northern Lights This Winter

By Tammi Kaeberlein October 02, 2023

Have you ever seen the Northern Lights in person? I saw them frequently growing up in Fairbanks, Alaska, and, sadly, I mostly took them for granted. Sure, I found them absolutely mesmerizing even then, but I didn’t realize how privileged…

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First Impressions – How Important Are They for You?

By George Hannan October 02, 2023

‘First Impressions’ is a hot topic if Google Search or the number of results on is anything to go by. The information online and in books, as we would expect, is aimed largely at those under the spotlight, those who feel the need to make a good…

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10 Tips for Encouraging Resistant Elderly Parents to Accept Assistance

By Maryalene LaPonsie October 02, 2023

My aunt is like my third parent. She taught in schools around the world and spent every summer living with us. Always single and with no children of her own, she has been, in my mind, a part of our immediate – not extended – family. I love and adore her…

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A Recipe for Radically Reinventing Yourself in Midlife

By Sherry Bronson October 02, 2023

Are you in the market for a seismic shake-up that re-calibrates you from the inside out? Something more lasting than a new purse, a different hair color, the latest raw food or green juice diet? About the time we reach our fifties, awareness shifts…

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Embracing a New Outlook for Fall

By Beverly Bowers October 01, 2023

Fall is here, and I admit that I have mixed feelings about its arrival. Many people say fall is their favorite season and why not? The days cool down, the trees change colors, the air feels crisp and sometimes carries the aroma of burning leaves…

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Why Brooches Are Hot When It Comes to Fall Fashion for Women Over 60

By Jodie Filogomo October 01, 2023

Since the weather has started to take a turn for the somewhat cooler temperatures, we are beginning to wear more layers, jackets and coverings. And a great way to add some fun and excitement to these pieces is with one or all of your brooches!

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Anxiety in Women Over 60: Spot It and Conquer It Today!

By Joan Senio September 30, 2023

Mental health issues are not uncommon as we age, and anxiety can be among the most common challenges to well-being we face as women over 60. Anxiety may occur in isolation or in conjunction with depression and cognitive decline…

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