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Search Results for: wisdom

How to Avoid Urban Isolation After 50

By Margaret Manning April 20, 2015

Urban living can be exciting for older men and women but city living can also bring on feelings of isolation and loneliness. It’s true that in a city there is an infrastructure more suited to a less mobile lifestyle usually with a public transportation, parks, museums, and education and entertainment opportunities. But we all know that even in a crowd one can be lonely and so it is important to think about specific ways that an urban dweller can avoid isolation and make the most of living in a city.  Read More

How Finding Your Purpose Could Protect Your Brain

By Margaret Manning April 14, 2015

As we reach 60s, baby boomers are starting to reevaluate our place in the world. This is only natural. After decades of looking after other people, many of us finally have an opportunity to take a step back and ask the “big questions.” It’s not that we are less busy. If anything, baby boomers are ramping up, not winding down. At the same time, as we get a little older, our focus is shifting.

Surviving is not enough. We want our lives to matter. Just like we did as teenagers, we are once again asking, “What’s my purpose in life?” Read More

Happiness and the Art of Finding Your True Self

By Margaret Manning April 14, 2015

By the time you reach your 60th birthday, you have a pretty good idea of who you are. You have faced all of the challenges that life has thrown your way and you have emerged victorious – ok, a little bruised too, but, victorious none-the-less.

At the same time, by the time we reach our 60s, many people find that the person that they are on the inside and the person that they are on the outside have moved far apart. Read More

6 Life-Changing Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves on Their 60th Birthday

By Margaret Manning April 13, 2015

So, your 60th birthday is almost here. Congratulations! You’ve already accomplished so much in your life – and you’re just getting started! At the same time, it’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive as you approach this important milestone. I know I did. Read More

We Need a New Way of Looking at the Aging Process – Pope Francis

By Margaret Manning March 30, 2015

It’s always been fascinating to me how society has a tendency to treat one of its greatest assets, older people, as a liability. Why do we fear the aging process so much? Think about it for a second. We spend our entire lives acquiring skills, having experiences and, hopefully, finding wisdom. Read More

Don’t Postpone Reinventing Your Life After 60

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2015

I rarely pay attention to marketing messages, but, today I came across one that I just had to share with the community. The quote is from a Nike ad and has a simple message – “Yesterday you said tomorrow.” Wow! There is a lot of wisdom packed into these 4 words!

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Are You Ready to Write the Next Chapter of Your Life in Your 60s?

By Margaret Manning February 21, 2015

By the time we reach our 60s, most of us have regrets. This is a natural part of life. Some of us regret the way that a certain relationship ended. Others wish that we had stayed in closer contact with our friends or family. Still others wonder whether we should have taken a different path in our career.

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4 Things Mature Models Teach Us About Beauty After 60

By Margaret Manning January 22, 2015

Of all of the people that I have interviewed for the Sixty and Me Show, Cindy Joseph is one of my favorites. Cindy is a mature model and the founder of Boom Cosmetics. She is undeniably beautiful, but, it is her personality and passion for life that I appreciated the most.

When I sat down to talk with Cindy, I expected the conversation to focus on how to find beauty after 60 in a practical sense – what to wear, how to apply makeup, etc. What we actually talked about was far more philosophical – and far more interesting. Read More

Refusing to be Silent After 60

By Margaret Manning January 10, 2015

Women over 60 have so much wisdom to share with the world. So, why does it feel like we are expected to be silent? Maybe it has something to do with how older people are portrayed in movies and on TV. Other the occasional “angry seniors”, most of the men and women over 60 that you see on screen are happy to age gracefully. Read More

Love Adventure? Here’s What I Learned from Senior Travel Expert Evelyn Hannon

By Margaret Manning January 02, 2015

If you are a woman who loves to travel, you will adore Evelyn Hannon. She is a 70+ year-old senior travel expert with a passion for life and a burning desire to experience new cultures. Read More