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Search Results for: being present

How I Wrote My Way Through Grief: Processing the Death of a Husband or Partner After 60

By Angela Page July 31, 2021

After I had lost a 42-year-old husband, a 50-year-old ex-husband and a 75-year-old live-in partner, my family and friends jokingly called me, “The Black Widow.” The deaths occurred under different circumstances and were all devastating…

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Do Memories Make or Take Our Freedom?

By Chris Hilicki July 30, 2021

Lately, my friends have been decluttering their places and spaces. Good for them! Breaking FREE from our old stuff isn’t easy but it feels great when we do. It feels like a slice of freedom. Everything from closets and garages…

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The Amazing Domino Effect of the 5 Health Pillars for Stunning Brain Health

By Max Cynader July 23, 2021

Science is constantly evolving, but when it comes to our brain health, there are some elements that we know have a serious impact on the health and longevity of one of our most important organs. Your brain health depends on five major lifestyle pillars…

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Choose Happiness, Says the Wisdom of Our Elders

By Anthony Cirillo July 18, 2021

What’s the secret to living a fuller, more content life? For John Leland, an award-winning New York Times reporter and author of the New York Times bestseller Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year among the Oldest Old, the answer came…

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Head in the Sand Coping Strategy to Fight Overload

By Linda Ward July 16, 2021

Have you ever taken a cue from the ostrich to bury your head in the sand? Today that’s exactly what I’m doing. No TV news, no phone news feed alerting me of the political scene that is such a quagmire, no discussion with others on the latest atrocity…

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My Darling Body – Why I Love You More at 60! 5 Fabulous Body Love Tips to Help You Age with Confidence

By Astrid Longhurst July 15, 2021

At 60, there’s a blessing in my bones, a glow in my heart and a radiance in my thinking. My body has settled from all of the experiences of the past and wraps herself around me like a beloved friend. And indeed, she is. We have been through so much…

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Locked Down in My Home Away from Home

By Perley-Ann Friedman July 15, 2021

By March 2020, the Covid pandemic had hit Thailand (where I was living at the time), and the country started implementing lockdown restrictions. I had to make a big decision. Do I stay at my winter home on Koh Lanta, a remote island…

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Do You Know Who You Are Today? Take Time to Recognize Your 60-Something Self

By Debbie Hensleigh July 14, 2021

The story we are telling ourselves is crucial to living our ThirdThird, ages 60-90, with grace and purpose. Recently, I experienced a short period of being uncharacteristically melancholic. I am usually the one who is confident. and optimistic…

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Wise Women Choose What Is in Season

By Ardith Bowman July 13, 2021

It is said, to everything there is a season. For some of us, our purpose is focused on caring for parents, family and/or work responsibilities. Some of us are exploring what we want next in life. Such freedom is both exhilarating/exciting…

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An Interview with a Neuroscientist – Ways to Decrease Alzheimer’s Risk

By Pam Lamp July 11, 2021

or the past decade, I’ve had a front-row seat to the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s. The neurodegenerative disease has wreaked havoc on my mother-in-law. And those who love her. According to neuroscientist Dr. Jeanette Norden, Alzheimer’s…

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