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Search Results for: wisdom

At 70, Diane Keaton Isn’t Afraid to Speak Her Mind… We Shouldn’t Be Either!

By Margaret Manning August 09, 2016

It always makes me angry that society expects older women to be invisible. It’s almost as if, once we reach our 60th birthday, we are expected to retire from life, throw out any clothes that aren’t navy blue or black and start playing bingo. What nonsense!

Well, if there is a “rule” that women our age should be “seen and not heard,” Diane Keaton certainly didn’t get the memo. Read More

Why White is the New Power Color for Older Ladies

By Andrea Pflaumer August 05, 2016

In case you hadn’t noticed white is “in” this year. We’ve seen it everywhere from the runway to the Royals. It’s been worn by religious figures to representatives of both sides of the US political arena. It’s been suggested that white is the color of purity and signifies loftiness. This implies that the wearer exists on an elevated plane. Think, Mother Teresa. Read More

After 60, Change Your Dress Style to Reflect the Way You Think and Feel

By Penelope Jane Whiteley July 04, 2016

Dressing in an age appropriate way is something that strikes fear into the heart of many women. We don’t want to look like “Mutton dressed as Lamb.” We don’t want to look like granny. Read More

Are You Feeling Sexty? What Sex After 60 Really Means

By Elizabeth Dunkel July 02, 2016

I am not a sexologist. I am a “normal” sixty-year-old woman who wants to ponder in public. By the way, I hate the word “normal” – it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t think I’m a particularly revolutionary thinker. I’m only stating the obvious in my thoughts below. But I’ll let you decide! Read More

Gone with the Wind Actress, Olivia de Havilland, Turns 100 Today

By Margaret Manning July 02, 2016

When Olivia de Havilland, who later played Melanie in Gone with the Wind, was born, on July 1, 1916, the world was a very different place. World War I was still being fought, BMW had just been founded, the Boy Scouts of America were only 1-month old and the world’s first radio news program was still 4 years away! Read More

What Happens When 80-Year-Olds Look 18?

By Margaret Manning July 01, 2016

I remember watching In Time, a movie with Justin Timberlake, a few years ago and pondering a world where everyone looks 18. In the film, Justin’s character, Will Salas, lives in a society in which the rich have reversed the aging process and can, effectively, live forever.

In Time is mostly about class struggle, but, it was the social implications of reversing aging that I found fascinating. Read More

Have You Been Married for Over 30 Years? What’s Your Advice for Newlyweds?

By Margaret Manning June 19, 2016

Have you been married for more than 30 years? Congratulations!

Whether you have reached this milestone with almost no friction, or, like most couples, had to deal with plenty of “plateaus” over the years, this is definitely something to be celebrated. Read More

7 Powerful Life Lessons From My Trip to Bali

By Margaret Manning June 02, 2016

I’m sitting in my little hotel in Bali, packing my bags to come home to Switzerland, my head full of memories and my heart full of love for this wonderful island and its amazing people. Read More

Overcoming Social Isolation in Your 60s and 70s

By Margaret Manning May 30, 2016

Everyone thinks that illnesses are the scariest things that you have to face as you get a little older. While cancer and Alzheimer’s are undoubtedly terrifying, there is a force that many women our age fear even more – social isolation. Read More

7 Simple Steps to Becoming a Writer After 60

By Stephanie Raffelock May 27, 2016

Second Chapters. Third Acts. Call it what you will, your sixties are a time to recreate, reclaim and often reinvent yourself. You may be retired or partially so. You did a good job with the kids and they are carving out their own lives now. Maybe you’ve left a marriage and find yourself single again. Read More