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Search Results for: divorce

Single Over 60? Here’s How to Be Happy in a World of Couples (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 12, 2016

Are you single over 60? I am. If I’m honest, there are times when I love being without a man in my life. Without commitments, I am free to travel and world and explore my passions. Read More

I Have a Confession that Every Older Woman Needs to Hear

By Jayne Ragheb May 24, 2016

The truth shall set you free… Honesty is good for the soul… These are all great sayings, but they never meant as much to me as they do today. At 69, I decided it was time to tell my story. I confess, I’m a binger and purger, and it’s been going on since I was 20…

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How Much Are New Memories of Old Classic Rock Worth?

By Dave Price May 20, 2016

Unless you’ve been living alone in a desert for the last few months, you’ve probably heard about the impressive Desert Trip concert, scheduled for this fall. It’s a 3-day mega-event in California featuring per­formances by 6 of the greatest artists or groups of the Classic Rock era – The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, The Who, Neil Young, and Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd. Read More

The Secret to Senior Dating – Saying No to “Take-Out Order Dating”

By Lisa Copeland May 12, 2016

The senior dating game can be tough. Not only can it bruise your ego, but, it can also bring up all the unhealed rejection that happened earlier in life. Read More

5 Valuable Social Security Tips for Your Daughter and Granddaughter

By Donna Davis May 12, 2016

The choices you make today will affect your Social Security payment amount later on. This is true, even if you are in your 60s and are rapidly approaching retirement age. It’s especially true for our daughters and granddaughters, who still have several decades to go before retirement age. I always thought that everyone got the same amount for Social Security. Like many women, I was very naïve…

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Important Social Security Deadline Looms – Are You Prepared?

By Donna Davis April 24, 2016

Did you know that several Social Security rules are about to change? If not, you’re not alone! There’s a great deal of confusion about who is affected and what will happen.

True, the upcoming deadline affects a small percentage of people. That said, many of us are concerned they we lose benefits if we don’t take action. Let’s clarify the situation. Read More

Do You Have a “Big Fat Greek” Family? Living Alone Later in Life Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

By Kari Henley April 17, 2016

My husband and I just watched, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.” Don’t listen to the less than flattering reviews – we were both rolling on the floor laughing. There is something about watching a big, loud, messy and interconnected family that triggers a primal wistfulness or a sweet nostalgia. Sadly, this type of tumultuous inter-generational living is nearly extinct these days – and we are paying a bigger price than we think…

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Meet New Friends and Discover New Lands During Women’s History Month

By Sixty and Me March 19, 2016

March is National Women’s History Month, when we recognize and celebrate the contributions of women around the world. It’s an ideal time for women to reflect on their lives, set goals, learn something new and explore new opportunities. Read More

5 Personality Traits that Facilitate Healthy Aging

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2016

Despite all of our advances in science and technology, the biological basis of healthy aging is still a mystery. There can be little doubt that genetics plays a role in how we experience the aging process, but, exactly how this works is largely unclear. Read More

A Letter to Cynical, Mean and Grumpy Baby Boomers Everywhere

By Margaret Manning February 23, 2016

Baby boomers have a fascinating history. Like the mythical phoenix, we rose from the ashes of destruction. After the war, couples connected, married and produced an army of babies that became a counterpoint to the loss and sadness that they experienced in previous years. Read More