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Search Results for: incontinence

What Are Your Gluteal Muscles and Why Are They Important for a Strong Body?

By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton March 05, 2021

As well as causing muscle wastage, sitting for extended periods of time can be a huge drain on your overall health and wellbeing. Type 2 diabetes, bone wastage, and mental health issues are amongst some of the other side effects…

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Understanding and Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease

By Emily White October 26, 2020

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that destroys a person’s intellectual and cognitive abilities and robs them of their memories.  As this disease progresses nerve cells in the brain (neurons) stop working, slowly lose connections to one another and eventually die. This causes memory failure, personality changes and an inability to carry out […]

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5 Surprising Ways to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor, Especially After 50

By Sixty and Me June 06, 2020

I loved my biology classes in middle and high school. And, while I devoured lectures on the heart, lungs, and intestines, we must have skipped the pelvic floor chapter. Did you, too? Turns out, it’s pretty essential, especially to make sure you pee…

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Hold the Coffee and Red Wine! Diet Tips for a Happy Bladder (and Fewer Leaks!)

By Sixty and Me May 12, 2020

Yes, I said “hold the coffee and red wine.” Yes, I said it during a pandemic, while we’re all grasping for normalcy and savoring moments of indulgence to stay sane and calm…

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Laugh More and Leak Less: 7 Natural Ways to Reduce Bladder Leaks at Any Age

By Sixty and Me February 08, 2020

If you think bladder leaks are only a problem for older adults, think again. I, for one, had my first memorable bladder leak in high school. And memorable it was; I was mortified at the thought that someone might have noticed and I slinked off to the bathroom, clenching my legs together as I went…

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13 Things to Help You to Get Fit and Strong and… Stay That Way When You’re Over 60

By Shelagh Murray December 12, 2019

When did you and I stop playing out? When did we stop running around like giddy kippers just for the sheer unadulterated fun of it? When did moving become a chore, rather than something that was imperative?

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What is a Geriatrician and When Do You Need One?

By Margaret Manning August 21, 2019

If you were looking for a mechanic to work on your car, you would almost certainly want to work with someone who had experience with your car’s make and model. So, why should finding a doctor after 60 be any different?

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4 Common Family Caregiver Challenges and How to Overcome Them

By Jessica Hegg August 14, 2017

Being a family caregiver is becoming the norm for more and more Americans, with roughly 44 million people – and growing – providing care for a loved one in the U.S. Read More

6 Benefits of Shopping Online for Personal Hygiene Products

By Jennifer Stern August 01, 2017

Do you ever feel embarrassed about buying personal hygiene products, like bladder control, sexual health or even denture products? Read More

Caring for Elderly Parents? Make Sure You Have These 4 Essentials

By Jessica Hegg July 02, 2017

When it comes to providing quality care for a beloved aging parent, many a lesson are learned ‘on the job.’

Recognizing signs of cognitive decline, learning how to manage incontinence, getting loved ones out and exercising – and essentially becoming executive administrators of prescription refills, appointment wrangling and transportation – are just a handful of tasks you may already be dealing with. Read More