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Search Results for: wisdom

Dear Grandkids… Here Are 10 Things You Need to Know About Life!

By Sixty and Me September 13, 2019

Learn yoga to be able to do poses like the cat and the tree, breathe like a lion and grow calm like a mountain… with your grandchild! It’s so much fun!

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Forget Money! Telling Stories May Be the Best Possible Legacy

By Sixty and Me September 03, 2019

Let’s share our stories and make more friends! If you believe in our mission to improve the lives of women over 60, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

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60 Ways to Get More from Life after Retirement

By Margaret Manning September 01, 2019

Reaching retirement is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, after decades of following other peoples’ rules, there is a sense of relief that you will finally get to live the way that you want to. On the other hand…

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Retirement Savings Looking a Little Light? Here’s How to Have the Last Laugh

By Margaret Manning August 25, 2019

Realizing that you haven’t saved enough for retirement is one of the worst experiences in the world. You worry about how you will support yourself in retirement. You start to fear getting sick in your old age. You may even start to suffer from feelings of guilt or regret as you look back at all of the bad financial decisions that you made in your life. Read More

Slowing Down is Dying Slowly: Embrace Movement in Retirement and Live!

By Sixty and Me August 17, 2019

They say that life in retirement is all about “taking is easy.” They say that we are stuck in our ways, resistant to change and a drain on society.  They say that we are destined for loneliness and social isolation, disease and despair. Read More

The Power of Perspective in the Life of a 60-Plus Year Old Woman

By Julia Hubbel August 05, 2019

Early this morning, I woke up in Washington DC, where I’m going to be delivering a speech in the late afternoon. I’m sitting at my desk in the sweet early hours, my workout gear on, ready to head out to the first floor where I know the gym is located. Read More

Turning 60 is an Opportunity to Change Your Life for the Better

By Sherry Bronson July 29, 2019

When I said I was moving to Bali, someone asked, “What are you running from?” The question struck me as odd. I wasn’t running from, I was running to. After years of doing for others this was for me, my great adventure. It was also a test. Could I survive the loneliness that was sure to come? Read More

The True Meaning of Downsizing: What to Keep, What to Release

By Julia Hubbel July 23, 2019

Yesterday morning this landed in my inbox from Margaret Manning:

Downsizing (and simplification, more generally) has been a passion of mine over the last several years. And, one of the things that I have discovered through this process is that downsizing isn’t so much about letting go of “stuff” as it is letting go of emotions, memories and psychological barriers to change. So, let’s talk about how to get ready for downsizing at any age. Have you already gone through the process of downsizing your home? Or, are you thinking about doing this in the years to come?

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What Older Women Can Learn from Iris Apfel About Fashion… and Life!

By Andrea Pflaumer June 29, 2019

Before 96-year-old Iris Apfel made a splash on social media just over five years ago, hardly anyone had ever heard of her. Today she is almost a household name among fashionistas, influencers, and lovers of life…

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4 Profound Life Lessons Learned from a 102-Year-Old Woman

By Mary Lou Harris June 28, 2019

Occasionally, an online magazine geared to healthy living for older adults pops into my mailbox. I believe it originally came to me as a courtesy after participating in the Delaware Senior Games…

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