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Search Results for: weight loss

3 Ways to Start Exercising After 60: A Guide for Beginners

By Linda Melone August 11, 2018

If you’re the one person on the planet who’s not on Facebook, congrats.

You’ve saved yourself from debilitating bouts of FOMO (fear of missing out) due to viewing travel photos from exotic locales, idealistic visits with perfectly well-behaved grandchildren and other fairy tale visions suitable for a Disney movie. Read More

Don’t Let Dehydration Ruin Your Summer Fun!

By Joy Stephenson-Laws June 05, 2018

For those of us living in the United States, Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer. Warmer weather has arrived, the days are longer, the grandkids are out of school, the pools get uncovered, and cook-outs are the order of the day. Read More

Makeup for Older Women: Margaret and Ariane’s Favorites and a Few Surprises!

By Sixty and Me May 12, 2018

Shopping at the store around the corner, or at a place on the other side of the planet may reveal some great new products, and that’s always good for enhancing our own self-esteem. Join us to find some of Margaret and Ariane’s new favorites! Enjoy the show! Read More

A Doctor Explains the Importance of Adding Magnesium to Your Diet After 60

By Anna Lamnari April 01, 2018

Why should we care whether we take enough magnesium? Read More

The Surprising Truth About Living to 100? Focus on These Two Things First!

By Sixty and Me March 09, 2018

If I were to ask you to share the secret of living to 100, what would you say? Would you recommend exercising more? Moving to the country, where the air is fresher? Losing weight? Eating better? Read More

Fighting from Within: Connie’s Big Move Against Corporate Ageism

By Howard Fishman December 23, 2017

The following is part three of Connie’s story. Go to Part One and Part Two if you have missed the previous installments.

Finding research on ageism in the workplace: easy. Uncovering how individual companies were solving the issue: nearly impossible. Read More

How to Restore Hope and Positivity to Your Life

By Margaret Manning October 24, 2017

Do you sometimes feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders? We all do from time to time! When this happens, it’s important that we take steps to restore positivity and hope to our lives. After all, we all deserve to be happy! Today, I’d like to offer some tips for doing exactly this. Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

You Must Be Present to Win: 3 Ways to Use Mindfulness to Enrich Your Life

By Joseph Parent August 06, 2017

Mindfulness is front page news. A recent TIME Magazine cover announced “The Mindful Revolution: the Science of Finding Focus in a Stressed-out, Multitasking Culture…”

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Should You Go Dairy Free to Boost Your Healthy Aging Prospects?

By Candy Morehouse February 11, 2017

These days, there are plenty of things that dieticians, health professionals and personal trainers warn us to stay away from. Read More

As Older Adults, Can We Rediscover Our Idealism After Losing Our Innocence?

By Margaret Manning November 29, 2016

Getting older can be tough. It’s not just the physical changes that we need to contend with. It’s also the psychological weight of countless accumulated experiences that hold us back.

How can we believe in love when we have been betrayed? How can we trust our politicians when we have experienced decades of lies? How can we make new friendships when we have seen how the people close to us react when the dark times come? Read More