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Search Results for: empower

How Boomerang App Can Help You Get Control of Your Email

By Ann Voorhees Baker June 13, 2018

I have to get my oil changed, but I really hate the procedure. So, I planned ahead. I would do this detested chore in the least time possible with a minimum of psychic pain. Read More

Fashion After 50: The Art of Walking Like a Movie Star

By Sixty and Me April 28, 2018

Most of us want to be noticed when we walk down the street. But do you know how to turn those heads? Do you have the confidence to even attempt it? Join us in discussion with style blogger Mel Kobayashi who shares her secrets about learning to walk like a movie star. Enjoy the show! Read More

In Search of Authenticity and Integrity in Midlife Balance

By Delia Lloyd April 26, 2018

I had coffee with a friend of mine in London recently. We talked about our joint desire to make our second half of life both meaningful and productive. Read More

7 Great Reasons to Volunteer Overseas Over 60

By Perley-Ann Friedman April 18, 2018

So here we are at the next phase in our lives. We’re retired. Most of us are reasonably healthy, full of life and engaged in the world. We want to make a positive difference, do something special and meaningful…

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4 Ways to Become a Financially Savvy “Bag Lady”

By Danielle Howard April 01, 2018

Do you often imagine your future as a disheveled, elderly lady, pushing a wobbly cart overflowing with belongings down the street? Read More

4 Ways to Live with an Ageless Attitude

By Sue Loncaric March 28, 2018

Age is such a defining word, isn’t it? The moment we focus on the number is the moment we start to grow old. Read More

Great-Grandmother Forgives Her Attackers… Then, This Happens!

By Sixty and Me March 14, 2018

Last year, I was walking down a busy street in downtown London when an overweight man in a baggy coat swerved into my path and almost knocked me over. He looked up and, with breath smelling like cheap beer and cigarettes, yelled, “Hey, watch it, you stupid cow!” Read More

So How Is Your Day? 7 Steps to Making Sure Your Day Is the Best Ever

By Julia Hubbel March 06, 2018

Have you ever asked anyone how their day is going and you get a two-hour answer? Not only that, but their answer leaves you feeling depleted and depressed? Read More

Practical House Sitting Tips from a Female Road Warrior

By Sixty and Me January 06, 2018

We all know what babysitting is. Been there, done that. House sitting, though – what is it? Join us in discussion with Penelope Whiteley who knows all about this new trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Enjoy the show! Read More

5 Reasons We Honor National Family Caregivers’ Month

By Eboni Green November 17, 2017

In the late 1970s, my aunt was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She was married, raising her three children and working full-time when she was diagnosed. Read More