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Search Results for: books

5 Ways to Live with Joy as a Single Older Woman

By Joan Frances Moran September 15, 2022

I’ve been single for the last 20+ years. I got married in 1964, when I was 20 years old. I was married for 18 years (really, 15 years because that is when we separated). And then, after that, I had a relationship with a significant other for 17 years…

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What You Should Know About Normal Aging of the Spine and Chronic Back Pain After 60

By Brittany Denis September 14, 2022

Are you one of the millions of people living with chronic back pain? Have you been told by a medical provider your pain is due to arthritis? Or there is nothing that can be done about your back pain? Cases of chronic back pain…

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Facing Our Biggest Fears After 60: Health and Money

By Terri Edmund September 09, 2022

When we reach 60, 70 or 80 we are surprised we got here so quickly. We meant to make investment plans and take better care of ourselves along the way. What happened to the last 40 years? It’s scary, this aging thing. Besides time moving…

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5 Bad First Date Questions… and 5 Good Ones!

By Andrea McGinty September 08, 2022

As I listen to my clients share weekly information about their dates, I’m often surprised at what they asked the person they met on a first date… or vice-versa. My take? Some of these questions reminded me of job interviews in my 20s. I thought…

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How Setting Goals After 60 Can Help You Reach Your Dreams

By Ginny McReynolds September 07, 2022

As summer turns to fall, many of us are reminded of our youth, when September meant going back to classes and setting goals for the new school year. Even though our classroom days are mostly in the past, developing…

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Saving Family Memories Will Pay Dividends for Generations to Come

By Barbara Klein September 06, 2022

I am sure you recall hearing kids groaning ‘oh, not that story again.’ It might have been in a private setting or embarrassingly public, but the sagging shoulders and bored faces are the same. You might even have been one of those…

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How to Make Tough Decisions? Follow Your Heart!

By Ann Richardson September 05, 2022

We make decisions all our lives and, indeed, every day. Most of these are straight-forward and don’t require a lot of thought. What shall I have for lunch? Shall I read a book or watch the TV this evening? Should I phone up my daughter for a chat?

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Expecting the Unexpected as a Caregiver: How to Create a Backup Plan

By Christy Turner September 05, 2022

Being the primary care partner for a person living with dementia is tough. Beyond the grief of watching a person you love go through an unforgiving disease process, you’ve got the practical matter of another grown person’s life…

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5 Fun Activities to Enjoy with Your Grandkids

By Jessica Hegg September 03, 2022

Hanging out with your grandkids is great for your mental and emotional health. But the question for many grandparents is, what activities can I do with them? It can be difficult to keep up with the energy of young children…

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An Open Letter to My Grandchildren: 10 Things I Want Them to Know

By Terry Arzt September 02, 2022

Our five-year-old grandson recently asked my husband and me “Will we always be together?” I was stunned that such a small child would ask such a profound question. I’m not sure that he understood the depth of the question…

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