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Search Results for: weight

5 Easy Ways to Ditch Nighttime Eating and Drop Weight for Good After 60

By Linda Melone October 29, 2022

It would be great to find an effortless, fun, easy and irreversible way to [insert your biggest wish here]. Like finding that perfect shade of lipstick, a dress that makes you look like a princess, or a chocolate dessert with fewer calories than celery. We can dream, right?

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5 Ways to Overcome Indulgent Eating So You Can Drop Weight (+ Video!)

By Cassie Christopher October 08, 2022

If you’re a woman in her 50s and beyond, you probably already know all the things you “should” be doing to keep weight and eating in check. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who has helped many women overcome indulgent eating…

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Losing Weight After 60: Knowing What to Do Is Different from Doing It

By Karen Donaldson October 04, 2022

Sometimes a client would confess to me, “I know what I’m supposed to do, but I just can’t do it!” and I would feel like screaming “ME TOO!” As a registered dietitian and personal trainer, I had the education and skills to provide my clients with the best…

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Why Can’t I Lose Weight? How Trauma Sabotages Weight Loss for High Achieving Women (VIDEO)

By Cassie Christopher August 25, 2022

High achieving women in their 50s and 60s who struggle with making consistently healthy food choices tend to have one thing in common: a history of trauma. Even if these same women have spent years in therapy and are at peace with the traumatic…

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Feeling Restricted by Your Weight After 60? 5 Secrets to Getting Your Body Back

By Peg Doyle August 15, 2022

If you’re like most women trying to lose weight, you probably think you must restrict calories, exercise till you drop, deprive yourself of the food you love, and cut off all social contact…

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8 Common Weight Loss Mistakes Women Over 60 Make

By Shari Broder August 08, 2022

I’m not going to lie. Losing weight over 60 is harder and takes longer than it was when we were younger. Our metabolism slows down, and even if you’ve kept in shape, you may not be able to move your body…

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3 Powerful Words to Start Your Weight Loss Journey – and Keep Your Figure Over Time

By Nina Bandoni August 05, 2022

13 years ago, I was 50 pounds overweight. I had always been slim and fit, so my seemingly overnight weight gain came as a complete shock. So much so that one sunny day I saw my image…

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8 Hacks to Gain Skills, Not Weight, Over the Holiday Weekend

By Wendy Irvine June 30, 2022

I never met a holiday menu I didn’t embrace. Like so many of us I was “dieting” (here and there) some of the year, but when a holiday rolled around, out the window the diet went. Problem is, we celebrate something every month…

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5 Ways Inadequate Sleep Can Undermine Your Weight Loss Efforts After 60

By Shari Broder June 28, 2022

Do you have some days when you feel hungry all day, no matter what you eat? That might be because you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. What does the amount of sleep have to do with your weight?

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Stop Weighting to Embrace Your Style in Your 60s!

By Susan Cox June 15, 2022

Many of us are chasing two bodies when it comes to our clothes and style. Yes, the body from our younger years and our future body, the one we say we will have someday. When we break this down, we live in two universes: the past and the future…

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