Summer kisses come one at a time. First, the warm breezes that puff around my shoulders and warm my heart. Next is the sweetest fragrance of wild honeysuckle that hides in the hedgerows. Then come the buzzing of bees as they search…
Read MoreGrowing up in the Midwest, I spent summer mornings playing outside with the neighbor kids. We’d break up and go home to lunch, where our moms served us Kool-Aid (red!) and bologna sandwiches and potato chips straight from the jumbo…
Read MoreFamily gatherings are fascinating experiences. They can be wonderful moments of shared love and joy. They can also tip to the other extreme and result in conflict. But usually everyone makes up again and all ends well…
Read MoreFew body parts go about revealing your age quite like your hands, and while one glance at them can make you fondly reflect on all the hard work, family-raising, and adventuring you have done in your life, they can also be a source of regret or pain…
Read MoreLike many women in their 60s, I often hear myself saying that my life would be happier and so much better if only I had more money, a more understanding partner, a new house, more time for myself, a new house, different friends…
Read MoreMany women I talk to say that creativity and self-expression is something they cannot live without, and that perhaps it has become even more important in their life as they age. How do you express yourself? And how do you incorporate creativity in your daily life?
Read MoreMy husband, with the help of his eldest son, finally decided to tackle his mother’s storage unit. A task long dreaded, yet long overdue. The 10×20 unit was jam-packed to the ceiling with boxes of fabric, collectibles and furniture from the home she left…
Read MoreThere has been so much conversation, all around the world, about the value of life once a person reaches 65. Ultimately, this begs the question: what is lacking within us that we can so casually discuss the disposability of our elders?
Read MoreYesterday, for the first time in 30 years, I worked a jigsaw puzzle. I was surprised how quickly time passed and the amount of time I spent ignoring my list of “ought tos,” along with my phone, my boyfriend and the great outdoors. I was absorbed…
Read MoreDo you feel like you need a life-lift? Do you think that if a few things in your life would change you’d face each day with more hope and joy? It does seem that after 60 some changes happen fast – like aches and sagging skin and the development of cataracts…
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