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Search Results for: poetry

A Writer’s Musings on National Book Month

By Diana Raab October 14, 2022

October is National Book Month and a time to focus on reading and the joy of books. It’s also a time to honor and bless our country’s favorite books and writers. As a writer myself, I’m thrilled to have this month to celebrate, and I hope that readers…

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Honoring My Loved Ones in September, National Suicide Prevention Month

By Diana Raab September 14, 2022

Each year in September, I honor those who have died by suicide. Unfortunately, in my six decades of living, I have to report that I now know seven individuals who have taken their lives. They’re unrelated to each other, but all tragic…

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How to Get Involved in the Creative Arts in Your 60s  

By Ellen Rand June 07, 2022

We all know how important it is to incorporate physical exercise in our lives to help us age well. It’s good for our bodies, of course, but also for our spirits. It raises our sense of well-being, perhaps enhancing our connection to nature…

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3 Vital Keys to Unlocking Your Personal Freedom in Your 60s

By Ann Tanmayi Bruce June 02, 2022

When you think about freedom and ageing well, what pops into your mind? Is freedom an oxymoron or can you step into an even greater personal power in your 60s and beyond? I’ve noticed a pattern when it comes to…

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Honoring Women Writers During Women’s History Month

By Diana Raab March 09, 2022

March signifies Women’s History Month, and, each year, the National Women’s History Alliance chooses a different theme. This year’s is “Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.” According to the Alliance, this is a tribute to the ceaseless…

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Dating Tips for Mature Women: 7 Signs He’s Bad for You (and 7 He’s Got it Bad for You!)

By Shirley Goldberg March 09, 2022

If a guy really likes you, he wants to be with you. Common sense. But what about in the beginning, before it’s a relationship. How do you know a man is interested then? At our age, it’s not like you’ll see him in fourth period English…               

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Are You Still Full of Lust in Your 60s?

By Diana Raab February 08, 2022

I’ve always thought of February as the month of love, whether romantic or platonic. So, this seems like a good time to discuss the importance of maintaining a lustful and passionate life…

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The Joy of Self-Publishing in Your 60s and Beyond

By Kathy Arthurson February 02, 2022

Maybe you’ve written some poetry, short stories, or even a memoir. Perhaps you want to share it with a wider audience, or just give copies to family and friends. I’ve just helped a friend self-publish her memoir. It was so exciting to finally see her…

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Paying Homage to the First Known Writer, Enheduanna of Akkad

By Mary Lou Harris January 01, 2022

Once again, I ended the year by putting thoughts on paper, considering that the many books and articles I have read provided excellent storytelling, gave helpful information on health and wellness, or simply supplied poetic verses that pleased my soul…

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No Money for Gifts? Be Mindful Instead

By Kathleen Sinclair December 11, 2021

The holidays always seem to come around when thy bank account is low. It never fails, extra bills make their way into my mailbox around November. I’m not claiming this from a negative position, I’m actually a fairly positive human being…

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