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Search Results for: fine hair

Exploring the Best Medium Length Hairstyles for Older Women (Video)

By Margaret Manning September 05, 2022

If you are looking at hairstyles for older women, you have three basic choices – short, medium, or long. When I arranged an interview with professional hairdresser Denise McAdam about medium length hairstyles for women our age…

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10 Best Layered Hairstyles for Older Women

By Sandra Roussy September 01, 2022

Thinking of adding layers to your hair? Looking for new inspiration for your hairstyle? Have you had the same style for years? Maybe it’s time to try something new and different…

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10 Best Longer Hairstyles for Older Women

By Sandra Roussy August 16, 2022

Have you been told that you should cut your hair and wear it short now that you are over 60? It used to be that women automatically cut their long locks when they hit a certain age to look socially acceptable. Thankfully, times are changing…

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Facial Hair Removal for Women Over 60 – Advice from a Celebrity Makeup Artist (Video)

By Margaret Manning July 22, 2022

When I asked the women in our community to share their questions about makeup for women over 60, there was one from Carol, who asked about facial hair removal. So, to help investigate this issue, I turned to my good friend, Ariane Poole…

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How to Take Care of Your Hair in the Springtime

By Rosanne Ullman May 07, 2022

Every season has its hair issues. Spring is known for wind, sun, rain showers and, mostly, unpredictability. Depending on where you live, the air around you may be getting more humid or staying dry as always – and either one will affect…

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How to Improve Thinning or Graying Hair: 10 Practical Tips for Women Over 60

By Sarah Brewer December 12, 2021

Have you noticed your hair is thinner than 30 years ago? If so, you’re not alone. By middle age, most people’s hair becomes finer as the diameter of individual hair follicles, and the hair they produce, decreases. The good news is that several diet…

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Fun Hair Options for Older Women During Covid (VIDEO)

By Elise Marquam-Jahns December 11, 2021

During this crazy and unpredictable time of the pandemic, it’s an understatement to say that our lives have changed in many ways – both large and small. Today I want to focus on something I thought might be a little more light-hearted…

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Losing a Loved One: Another Year, Another Empty Chair

By Christine Field November 14, 2021

I love Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday of the entire year. I try to live a life filled with gratitude, and it’s special to have a day set aside for giving thanks – even though I practice it every day. This year, my estranged daughter will once again…

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Boost Your Fun Meter When a Bad Hair Day Strikes! Wear Headbands! (Video)

By Andrea Pflaumer September 18, 2021

You know those days: one piece of hair sticks out awkwardly; what is supposed to be full on the top or sides lies flat; the curl goes in the wrong direction on one side; your hair just looks like a limp dishrag. Stylish women understand that our hair is our crowning glory…

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How Watershed Moments Come to Define Our Lives

By Ann Richardson August 14, 2021

We all have watershed moments in the course of our lives. Days when, from then on, things become notably different. The day you left home, the day you got married (or moved in together), the day you had your first child – all days signifying…

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