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Search Results for: audiobooks

How to Plan, Prepare and Pack Light for Stress-Free Travel After 60

By Slobodanka Graham August 26, 2018

How lightly do you travel? Since 2010, I’ve flown and holidayed with carry-on luggage only. That’s a handy seven kilograms of clothes, shoes and toiletries. Read More

You Are Never Too Old to Join a Book Club!

By Patricia Sands June 12, 2017

There are people who love chatting about books. Then there are others who have no desire to join a book club. Which are you?

If you believe you are the latter, please continue, gentle reader. Read More

How Getting Sweaty Could Help You to Live Longer

By Margaret Manning March 22, 2017

One of the best things that you can do to get the most from life after 60 is to get in great shape.

Even small things, like setting an egg-timer to remind yourself to get up and stretch every hour, can have a big impact on your body. Many people also find pleasure in gardening, strolling in the park or walking a dog. Read More

Feel Healthier, Look Better and Get Smarter After 60… for FREE!

By Margaret Manning March 20, 2017

What would you say if I told you that there was a way to feel healthier, find more energy, improve your intelligence and look better?

No, I’m not talking about a new gene therapy or magic anti-aging potion. My solution won’t cost you a penny. It you want to improve every aspect of your life, all you need to do is exercise. Read More

Pumping Iron May Be the Key to Fitness Over 60

By Margaret Manning March 14, 2017

We all understand that fitness over 60 is important. The challenge is knowing where to start and having the discipline to stick with it once we do. Read More

Hate the Gym? Here Are 9 Tips for Losing Weight after 60

By Margaret Manning February 19, 2017

If there’s one thing that I have learned about losing weight after 60, it’s that staying in shape is a choice.

My conversations with hundreds of older women have taught me that, while it’s possible to be in the best shape of your life in your 60s or 70s, this won’t happen by accident. Read More

What is the Best Home Exercise Equipment for Older Adults?

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2016

I used to think that staying in shape was the same at any age. Until recently, I would have laughed at the concept of exercise equipment for older adults. After all, do older adults really have different needs when it comes to exercise equipment? Now, in my mid-60s, I am not laughing anymore! Read More

Wondering What to Pack for a Cruise? Ask Yourself these 4 Questions (Video)

By Margaret Manning December 04, 2015

What would an internationally recognized cruise expert say if you asked her what to pack for a cruise? If you are like me, you might expect such an expert’s advice to be long and complicated, filled with clever little devices and secret clothing items. Read More

3 Easy Ways to Get the Most from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning June 17, 2015

Life after 60 is a time for reflection and renewal. It can also be a time for recommitting ourselves to our core values and exploring life with a renewed sense of purpose. As I talk to the other members of the Sixty and Me community, I find that most women believe that the best years are still to come – if we make good decisions today.

On some level, we all know that the secret to longevity and happiness after 60 isn’t found in the latest pills and potions that the “anti-aging” industry pushes at us. The best tonic for longevity is to live well – to surround ourselves with good friends, new experiences, healthy food and worthwhile dreams. But, if you are feeling a bit apprehensive about life after 60, you may be looking for some more specific advice. After all, we all know what makes us happy, but, knowing how to make ourselves happy is another matter! Read More

Is Your TV Killing Your Happiness and Making You Lonely?

By Margaret Manning April 23, 2015

I have terrible news. There is a killer in your living room. Even worse, you probably think that this particular assassin is your friend. After all, he says all the right things. He entertains you. He even keeps you company at night. Unfortunately, this killer also has a hidden agenda – he wants to keep you isolated, dependent and worried. Why? To steal money for his employers.

No, I’m not talking about a member of your family, a friend or your Scottish Terrier. I’m talking about your TV. Read More