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Search Results for: photography

Re-Connecting with Ourselves After Decades of Putting Our Wishes Aside

By Harriet Cabelly December 28, 2023

Discovering who we are isn’t only for teenagers going through trials and tribulations of identity. As adult life sets in, and we become inundated with the myriad of responsibilities, we focus on keeping our heads above water…

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5 Super Helpful Tips for Photographing Your Grandkids

By Karin van Mierlo December 27, 2023

Photographing children is one of the more challenging topics in learning photography. But you’re in luck. Children are one of my favourite subjects to photograph, and so I have a lot of experience. That’s why I’d love to share a few tips…

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Create Your Memorable Photo Book in 5 Easy Steps

By Rachel Arbuckle December 17, 2023

Cold weather is on the way, and the holidays are nearing. Many of us are creating lists of projects we hope to accomplish while we stay inside during the coming months. One task that always seems to be on that list is creating a photo book…

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7 Unexpected Gift Ideas for Women Over 60

By Margaret Manning December 08, 2023

I’ll be the first to admit that finding gift ideas for women over 60 is tough – even when you’re one yourself! As I’ve gotten a little older, I’ve started to notice that buying presents for my friends has become more difficult…

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14 Beautiful Celebrity Women Over 60

By Sandra Roussy November 23, 2023

Women over 60 are thriving and living full lives. It used to be that actresses stopped being cast for movie roles as they got older, and musicians lost credibility once they passed a certain age. Thankfully, these industries have changed, and women…

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9 Unforgettable Trips for a 50th Birthday

By Sandra Roussy November 21, 2023

Turning 50 is a milestone in life – a momentous occasion that deserves to be celebrated in a grand and unforgettable manner. As the years of wisdom and experience accumulate, so does the desire to venture on new adventures and explore the world…

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Don’t Let the “What If’s” of Traveling Solo Hold You Back!

By Mary Lou Harris November 16, 2023

Traveling solo can be an enriching and affirming experience. It can also be filled with worry and anxiety if we let self-doubt cloud our journey. Take on the ‘what if’s’ by planning ahead and putting yourself in charge of the resolutions to possible problems…

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5 Easy Tips for Taking Better Pictures with Your Smartphone

By Karin van Mierlo October 24, 2023

Smartphone photography is often associated with quick and easy snapping away. That’s because you can just walk around, point at something, click – and there’s your photo! I’d like to take a different approach to smartphone…

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Starting a Business (or Side Hustle) from the Inside Out

By Kim Neumann October 23, 2023

Can your new business be a source of income and joy? A space for your values, talents and creativity to shine? I’m a firm believer in doing what you love. Especially when it comes to starting a business (or side hustle). After all, time is precious…

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End of Summer Book Reviews 2023

By Ann Boland October 05, 2023

So many good books passed through my hands in the last month. Of all, Viktor Frankl’s focus on finding the meaning in your life still resonates. As a result, I was discussing with a friend the meaning of corporal works of mercy (Catholic) and mitzvahs (Jewish) in our lives…

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