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Search Results for: aging well

This Valentine’s Day, Love… Yourself!

By Margaret Manning February 14, 2019

It’s Valentine’s Day and, around the world, the women in our community are being bombarded with TV commercials and billboards featuring unrealistically happy couples trying to sell jewelry, chocolates and cards. Well, today, I want to encourage you to focus on self-love. If you have someone special in your life, by all means, cherish them. But, also take the time to remember that you are unique and precious. And, no matter what else is going on in your life, you have my genuine love and support. I hope that you enjoy today’s video! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Benefits of Yoga for Seniors: Yoga for Constipation

By Sixty and Me February 12, 2019

Almost everyone knows yoga is great for limbering up tight muscles. Fewer people realize that yoga benefits the organs as well as the muscles. This means yoga can help with the one type of tightness many people are embarrassed to talk about in yoga class – constipation. Read More

60 Seconds to Happiness – 7 Ways to Be Happier in Under a Minute

By Margaret Manning February 12, 2019

Happiness. It’s the one thing that we are all searching for. But, despite billions of dollars of self-help books, tapes and videos being sold each year, most of us struggle to come to grips with this most basic of human emotions. Well, today, I want to share 7 things that you can do in under a minute to boost your happiness. This could be the most important video that you ever watch. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

When it Comes to Making Money in Retirement, is $500 Better than $100,000?

By Margaret Manning February 10, 2019

Do you know what older adults fear most? Is it death? Nope. Getting a serious illness? Not even close. According to a survey by the financial company Allianz, baby boomers fear running out of money in retirement more than anything else.

Specifically, they found that 43% of boomers feared outliving their savings. That’s more than the percentage of people who feared cognitive decline and loneliness combined! Read More

4 Ways to Rediscover Who You Really Are in Your 60s

By Christine Field February 10, 2019

Do you ever yearn to go back to the good old days when your kids were small, and you were busy, busy, busy helping them grow and enrich their lives? Unfortunately, that is not an option. Time, and children, march on. Read More

Reaching the Seventh Continent: My Journey to Antarctica

By Sixty and Me February 09, 2019

There aren’t many places left in the world to feel like a true explorer. Antarctica is one of them.

In early November 2018, I was lucky enough to fulfill a dream and be part of a 13-day learning adventure to Antarctica with Road Scholar — the not-for-profit educational travel organization for adults. Read More

7 Ways to Prevent Falls and Related Injuries

By Joy Stephenson-Laws February 08, 2019

I saw a startling statistic that alarmed me, and I think it will alarm you as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an older adult is treated for a fall in the Emergency Room every 11 seconds, and an elderly person dies from a fall every 19 minutes! Read More

5 Ways to Join the Longevity Revolution

By Terri Edmund February 08, 2019

When I turned 60, I knew for sure I wanted to live to at least 100.

I’ve been so busy the past 40 years with day to day details – earning a living, having a fun life, caring for my family. I hadn’t planned much for my future. I did quit smoking 20 years ago and started walking to counteract the weight gain. But other than that, aging isn’t something I’d thought much about. Read More

Gentle Yoga for Beginners and Seniors: Improve Your Concentration and Memory

By Sixty and Me February 04, 2019

Do you sometimes start looking for something and then forget what it is you wanted to find? Do you find yourself beginning a task only to find your brain meandering off away from the chore at hand? Gentle yoga can help you re-train your brain to focus and concentrate.

Here are a few tips when it comes to yoga for concentration and memory. Read More

What I Love Most About My Sixty and Me Sisters

By Margaret Manning February 03, 2019

Every woman in the Sixty and Me community is unique and wonderful. In many ways, our diversity is our strength. We share a similar cultural background and many of the same experiences.

At the same time, our individual backgrounds are filled with beautifully complex stories – some of which are joyful and others of which are heartbreaking. Read More