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Search Results for: home sharing

How Can Boomer Women Create New Friendships in the Tech Age?

By Fran Braga Meininger March 26, 2019

The world and how we relate to it has rapidly changed, impacting how we interact with each other, stay in touch, and maintain an active social presence. Read More

3+ Ways to Create Positive Experiences in Your Senior Years (Baby Steps May Be the Key!)

By Kay Van Norman March 09, 2019

By now, you’ve either been rocking it with your New Year’s resolutions, or they’ve fallen by the wayside as “life” happens. Read More

Group Adventure Travel for Women Over 60: 7 Tips on How to Maximize Your Experience

By Sixty and Me March 07, 2019

Travel is perhaps one of the best ways you can learn about the world and about yourself. Not only do you get a breather from your routine, but you also get to immerse yourself in an entirely different culture and meet new people. Read More

Ultimate Family Time: A Multigenerational Safari to South Africa

By Brooke Nichols February 15, 2019

“Multigenerational travel” has been a buzzword for a few years now. Who can argue with the brochure-ready images of grandparents, adult children, and grandkids all sharing in the joys a family adventure can bring? Read More

What I Love Most About My Sixty and Me Sisters

By Margaret Manning February 03, 2019

Every woman in the Sixty and Me community is unique and wonderful. In many ways, our diversity is our strength. We share a similar cultural background and many of the same experiences.

At the same time, our individual backgrounds are filled with beautifully complex stories – some of which are joyful and others of which are heartbreaking. Read More

Has the Power of Coincidence or Visualization Impacted Your Life?

By Elise Marquam-Jahns February 01, 2019

Have you ever experienced a coincidence that has stayed with you over the years… or had some intriguing results from using visualization? Read More

Women’s Circles: A True Lifeline for Women After 60

By Jan Moore January 31, 2019

The first women on Earth are certain to have gathered together around a fire. They probably made meals together, fashioned clothing, and shared stories. Read More

Fashion Over 60: Exploring the Power of Simple Black, White and Grey

By Sixty and Me January 21, 2019

Sometimes we consider black, white and grey boring colors. Is that truly the case? Join us in discussion with style blogger Mel Kobayashi who has prepared some great ideas to share. Enjoy the show! Read More

Cultivate a Positive Attitude by Learning to Give Genuine Compliments

By Margaret Manning January 20, 2019

After decades looking after other people, it’s easy to feel a little lost. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to develop a positive attitude in your 50s or 60s. One of the most effective of these is giving genuine compliments. Read More

6 Ways We Can Use Random Acts of Kindness to Help Others and Heal Ourselves

By Stephanie Raffelock January 14, 2019

There is something about a random act of kindness that feeds us as much as it feeds the recipient.

Remember the movie, “Pay It Forward?” In it a young boy wonders how it would be if he did something nice for three people and asked those three people to do something nice for three more people? Pretty soon thousands of people were doing nice thing for other people by paying it forward. Read More