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Search Results for: reinvent

My Encore Career in Africa

By Wendy Walleigh May 21, 2015

After a long but profitable career in high tech marketing and sales, I wanted to have more impact on people’s lives while still using the skills, knowledge and experience I had acquired at work. But how to reinvent myself? Read More

3 Things I Learned About Beauty After 50 from the Fabulous Cindy Joseph

By Margaret Manning May 08, 2015

Ok, I have a confession to make. Like many people, I have always been somewhat intimidated by beautiful women like Cindy Joseph. Over the years, I’ve seen her in trendy fashion magazines, with her fabulous long grey hair and glowing skin. So, when I sat down to interview Cindy about beauty after 50, I didn’t know what to expect. Read More

Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs of Loneliness After 50

By Margaret Manning April 28, 2015

We all have moments where we want to be alone. Many older women have built defenses around feelings that are painful or things that they don’t want in their lives. They know themselves well enough to know when to shut the door and be alone. Read More

Exploring the Positive Side of Loneliness – Yes, there is One!

By Margaret Manning April 22, 2015

There is a lot of truth to the old saying that necessity is the mother of invention. This is true, not just for inventions, but, for reinventions too! Sometimes what we need to get in the best shape of our lives is a wakeup call from our doctor that our current habits are killing us. Likewise, feeling lonely can be a catalyst for positive change. It’s all a matter of perspective. Read More

Turning 60 this Year? It’s Time to Celebrate!

By Margaret Manning March 04, 2015

Are you turning 60 this year? Congratulations! You’re about to join an exclusive club, filled with people who are reinventing their lives and exploring their passions.

If there is one thing that I have learned from the Sixty and Me community, it’s this – life after 60 is whatever you make it. I know people in their 60s who are in the best shape of their lives. I also know men and women who struggle to get out of the house once a day. Older business owners are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs. At the same time, there are plenty of people who complain about not having any opportunities for professional growth after 60. Life after 60 is yours to define.

Here are a few tips for celebrating your 60th birthday and planning the next stage of your life. Read More

Boomerly – Contribute

By Margaret Manning February 10, 2015

Boomerly Guest Blogger Agreement Boomerly is on a mission to help people over 50 to build meaningful friendships with people who share their interests. In addition to our messaging service for baby boomers, we also provide inspirational content on the topics of friendship, relationships, happiness, and reinvention after 50. If you share our mission and want […]

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“You Look Great for Your Age” and Other Backhanded Compliments

By Margaret Manning December 14, 2014

If you’re a woman over 60, I guarantee that, at some point in the last few years, a young store clerk has called you “dear,” “honey,” or “love.” They are just trying to be sweet, of course. At the same time, they would never call someone their own age one of these names. So, why do we get the “honor” of being pampered with such gentle and obsequious titles? Read More

Turning 60? Here’s Some Advice from Your Older Sisters

By Margaret Manning November 25, 2014

Turning 60 is a major milestone for many women. When we turn 50, most of us are in good health. We are usually at the top of our careers and have rich social lives, filled with family, friends and colleagues. Yes, some of us might be worried about the future or “where the time has gone.” But, for the most part, turning 50 is somewhat of a non-event. Turning 60 feels different. Read More

Pros and Cons of Living in a Retirement Village

By Margaret Manning November 18, 2014

If you’re in retirement, or fast approaching retirement age, perhaps you’re wondering about where you want to live during this next stage of life. Many women over 60 are reinventing retirement by working longer, dating new partners, traveling and retiring abroad, and otherwise living life with a new level of vitality and purpose. Read More

What is Yoga Really? Can You Benefit from Yoga for Seniors? (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 14, 2014

Women of our generation have a reputation for being willing to try new things. Through six decades of life, we have embraced new fashions, challenged the status quo and reinvented ourselves more times than we can count. Read More