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Search Results for: social security

Retirement Party on the Horizon? Don’t Make this One Horrible Mistake!

By Margaret Manning November 24, 2016

What do you think is the worst mistake that you can make at your retirement party? Having one too many glasses of champagne? Nope. Telling blue t-shirt Bob from accounting what you really thought of him all these years? Not even close! Having talked with hundreds of women in the Sixty and Me community, I can tell you that the worst mistake you can make at your retirement party is to tell people you are retiring. Read More

Lost the Love of Your Life? What Financial Advice for Women Over 60 Can You Share?

By Margaret Manning November 22, 2016

If you have been following Sixty and Me for a while, you know that we always try to focus on the positive aspects of aging. This is because so many of the things that people consider “challenges” about getting older are actually “opportunities.”

At the same time, there is no denying that some aspects of getting older are simply horrible. For example, nothing can quite prepare you for losing the love of your life. Even if your husband is sick for a long time, it’s hard to imagine life without him… until you are forced to. Read More

7 Easy Ways to Avoid Identity Theft and Senior Scams

By Margaret Manning November 14, 2016

I remember the moment of panic when, 5 years ago, I realized that I had just had my wallet stolen. I was standing outside a store in Milan, admiring a particularly nice pair of shoes in the window, when a young man bumped into me. He held up his hands apologetically and smiled. As he disappeared into the crowd, realization dawned on me and I started to panic. Read More

How Are You Making Money in Retirement? Here Are Some Ideas

By Margaret Manning November 08, 2016

As we reach our 60s, many of us are looking for creative ways to make money in retirement. Some of us are looking to earn some extra cash for luxuries, like travel and entertainment. Others are focused simply on surviving in a low interest rate environment in which it feels like we are paying the bank to hold our money. Read More

What Political Issues for Seniors Should the 2016 Presidential Debates Cover?

By Margaret Manning September 25, 2016

I don’t know about you, but, I am so excited that the first Presidential Debate is just around the corner. Despite the fact that this election has been a complete mess – and that both of the major candidates are mistrusted and disliked – this year, our decision matters more than ever.  Read More

Could You Afford Living to 100?

By Margaret Manning September 24, 2016

Over the last century, we have seen life expectancy rise dramatically. According to the CDC, if you were 60 years old in 1911, you could expect to live about 15 years longer. Now, the average 60-year-old woman will, on average, live 24 years. Read More

6 Important Considerations When Hiring Nurses for Home Care

By Douglas Winslow Cooper July 02, 2016

It has been reported that each year in the United States, millions of people aged 65 and older fall. This results in hip fractures and other injuries. The consequences are sudden and serious. Read More

8 Baby Boomer Websites that Celebrate Our Past and Help Us Prepare for Our Future

By Margaret Manning June 09, 2016

Baby boomers are special. Beyond being the largest and most successful generation of all time, we also grew up during a period of unprecedented change. Now, as we reach our 60s and 70s, we are also one of the most sought after demographics for companies selling everything from cruises and retirement homes to makeup and clothing. Read More

Going Through a Divorce After 60? Here’s How to Protect Yourself (Video)

By Margaret Manning May 14, 2016

When you are going through a divorce after 60, all you want to do is climb under a rock and wait for it all to pass. Read More

What I Learned About Finding Balance in Life in the Jungles of Bali

By Margaret Manning May 01, 2016

One thing a lot of women in our community talk about is finding balance in their lives. Yes, it’s true that some of us are retired. Read More