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Search Results for: wisdom

Knowing Myself Series – Part 2: Falling in Love with Myself

By Ilene Marcus December 30, 2022

Growing up reading fairy tales, I believed that my soulmate is out there. When he (insert your own preference) crossed my path, it will be love at first sight. We will live happily ever after. Alas, that is not what happened…

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4 Ways to Conquer Your Fears in the New Year

By Ellen Bachmeyer December 26, 2022

2023 is right at the door! It is a brand new turning of the pages. As I reflect on the past year, both in my personal life and work, the most important thought that strikes me is the pervasive sense of fear in people around me. The what isn’t all that important…

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Reflections Before Resolutions in the New Year

By Karen Spencer December 18, 2022

It will soon be that time on our calendars when making our New Year’s resolutions come front and center. And I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love it! My family will tell you I become obnoxiously giddy this time of year. I’m like a sprinter…

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How to Invite Nature Indoors for Better Mental Health

By Xenia Mateiu December 12, 2022

Spending time outdoors in a park, gardening, enjoying a picnic, or forest bathing improves our moods and mental health. But when we can’t go outdoors and connect to nature to feel better, especially now in the winter, we can try to bring…

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Life’s Clichés: What Do You Do When You Don’t Know Which Advice to Follow?

By Rosanne Ullman December 07, 2022

Maxims of life advice distinctly seem to contradict each other. I keep trying to sort out which recommendations to follow. So, where does that leave us as we start thinking about the New Year and quaint concepts like setting goals and making resolutions?

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The Work Hard – Retire Hard Myth

By Ardith Bowman December 06, 2022

Many of us grew up in an era where the accepted approach to life was to work really hard to be successful at our chosen role and take care of responsibilities. Then, like magic, at 65 we get to stop and make up for all the “fun” we put off…

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Swap Seasonal Stress for Serenity This Holiday Season

By Ann Marie Mershon December 02, 2022

Age has taught me a lot, and the wisdom I’ve gained helps me cope with stress. I’m more accepting of other people’s shortcomings, and perhaps I’m even more tolerant of my own (and believe me, I have them)…

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Sweet Sleep and Dreams – And the Benefits

By Mary Lou Harris November 28, 2022

I’ve had a book on the bedside table for a year or so, slowly reading it chapter by chapter. I started and finished many other books in the meantime, but this one was not to be hurried through. The book, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams…

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Developing Mindfulness Through Painting May Lead to a Better Retirement

By Malcolm Dewey November 25, 2022

It was George Bernard Shaw who said “Youth is wasted on the young.” I sometimes remind my young adult sons about this when they are getting uppity. This amusing quote, like all good quotes, has more than a grain of truth to it…

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5 Fool-Proof Tips for Surviving the Holidays

By Sheri Saxe November 22, 2022

Aaahh, the smell of roasting turkey. Sounds of jingle bells and children’s red-cheeked laughter. Visions of shiny wrapping paper and sparkly trees and glowing menorahs. Joy and connection. The happiest time of the year. Except when it isn’t…

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