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Search Results for: posture

5 Ways to Join the Longevity Revolution

By Terri Edmund February 08, 2019

When I turned 60, I knew for sure I wanted to live to at least 100.

I’ve been so busy the past 40 years with day to day details – earning a living, having a fun life, caring for my family. I hadn’t planned much for my future. I did quit smoking 20 years ago and started walking to counteract the weight gain. But other than that, aging isn’t something I’d thought much about. Read More

Gentle Yoga for Beginners and Seniors: Improve Your Concentration and Memory

By Sixty and Me February 04, 2019

Do you sometimes start looking for something and then forget what it is you wanted to find? Do you find yourself beginning a task only to find your brain meandering off away from the chore at hand? Gentle yoga can help you re-train your brain to focus and concentrate.

Here are a few tips when it comes to yoga for concentration and memory. Read More

Want to Achieve Healthy Aging? This Doctor Says it’s as Easy as M-E-S-H

By Sixty and Me November 26, 2018

Society is full of suggestions and opinions on ageing and the changes we should make as we get older. But what should we really be doing as we try to embrace healthy ageing? Join us in conversation with geriatrician Dr. Bill Thomas who has four great points to what he believes matters most. Enjoy the show! Read More

Tired of Yelling Over Your Meal? Here’s How to Find a Quiet Senior-Friendly Restaurant

By Janet Basilone September 16, 2018

There are a few things in life that drive me bonkers. One is when people discard their notes on the sidewalk instead of the trash can. Or when a person lets the lobby door close in my face — blissfully unaware that I’m behind, intent on slowing him down a few precious seconds. Read More

Goat Yoga?!? Weird and Wonderful Gentle Yoga Trends Seniors Will Love!

By Janet Basilone August 16, 2018

Yoga is a robust and still-growing sector of the health and wellness industry. Its popularity is being driven in no small part by boomers and healthcare providers who see it as an eminently accessible way to increase flexibility and muscle strength. Read More

Want to Stay Healthy After 60? You’ve Got to Move it, Move it!

By Rebecca Olkowski January 23, 2018

Now that you’re over 60, are you feeling stiff in the joints, have trouble bending over or have slowed down significantly? Do you spend hours sitting in a chair writing, watching TV or sitting on the couch? Read More

A Dissident is Born: Connie Reacts to Her Experience of Ageism in the Workplace

By Howard Fishman October 24, 2017

Stung by a Millennial colleague who’d branded her an old lady, Connie did not drown her sorrows in a glass of Chardonnay. She took stock of the sobering situation with characteristic determination. Read More

Is Healthy Aging an Issue of Mind Over Matter?

By Margaret Manning August 10, 2017

What does healthy aging mean? What does it include? How do we make sure we are doing what we can to age healthy? Join us in conversation with geriatrician Dr. Bill Thomas who has some interesting strategies to share. Enjoy the show! Read More

You Must Be Present to Win: 3 Ways to Use Mindfulness to Enrich Your Life

By Joseph Parent August 06, 2017

Mindfulness is front page news. A recent TIME Magazine cover announced “The Mindful Revolution: the Science of Finding Focus in a Stressed-out, Multitasking Culture…”

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How Old Do You Feel on the Inside? The Art of Staying Youthful Within

By Gloria Dunn-Violin August 01, 2017

Over a year ago, I was going to come out of the closet about my age at a talk I was giving. I had just had a birthday though, and someone beat me to it by putting it on Facebook. I had just turned 77. Read More