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Search Results for: type 2 diabetes

4 Essential Types of Exercise for a Healthy Heart

By Aubrey Reinmiller February 16, 2023

February is the month of love! One of the best ways we can show ourselves and our loved ones love is by taking good care of our body and our heart. 80% of heart disease is preventable according to the American Heart Association…

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Finding Happiness in a Topsy-Turvy World in 2023

By Noelle Nelson December 12, 2022

As we embark on a New Year, it can be challenging, to say the least, to look forward with enthusiasm to the coming 12 months. Just consider the state of the world! Wars, bombs, political upheavals and countries, reeling from nature’s havoc…

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What You Might Not Know About Diabetes Prevention

By Debbie Hensleigh August 11, 2021

Of course, I said YES! when I was asked by the Wellness Director of our local YMCA if I might be interested in training to be a lifestyle coach for a new program they are going to offer. It’s one on Diabetes Prevention. Knowing that I have facilitated…

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Intermittent Fasting and the 5:2 Diet Made Easy for Women Over 60

By Suzi Grant April 12, 2021

As a nutritionist and blogger at Alternative Ageing, I am a keen fan of fasting. So when the 5:2 diet hit the headlines a couple of years ago, I happily embraced this form of intermittent fasting for the sake of my health as well as my waistline…

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Keep Active in Your 60s to Stay a Step Ahead of Diabetes (And Don’t Forget Nutrition Too!)

By Joy Stephenson-Laws March 11, 2021

I recently read a sobering statistic. Nearly 50 percent of boomers are prediabetic. This means that we have blood sugar levels that are above normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with full-blown type 2 diabetes…

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CBD – A Boomer Health Trend to Watch in 2020

By Joy Stephenson-Laws December 31, 2019

This is the time of year when pundits make their annual predictions about which trends or products will be hot (and which will not) over the next 12 months. Given my passion for all things related to getting and staying healthy…

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7 Types of Group Exercise That Can Help You Thrive When You’re Over 60

By Robin Griffiths July 02, 2019

We all know the benefits of exercise. Working out can increase energy, promote weight loss, manage health problems, and aid in the prevention of muscle loss. Although we know we need to get out there and work out…

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Is It Possible for Women Over 50 to Limit the Decline?

By Julie Dargan January 17, 2022

The 50s is the decade when most women will be entering the menopause. Not only can the hot flushes and night sweats kick in but this is also the time for the ‘hidden’ bone loss complications. Bowel cancer risk increases as well as type 2 diabetes…

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What Are Your Gluteal Muscles and Why Are They Important for a Strong Body?

By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton March 05, 2021

As well as causing muscle wastage, sitting for extended periods of time can be a huge drain on your overall health and wellbeing. Type 2 diabetes, bone wastage, and mental health issues are amongst some of the other side effects…

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Get Moving! We’re Too Old to be Sitting in Front of Our Computers All Day

By Rebecca Olkowski February 06, 2017

Sitting has been declared the new smoking.

For the last decade, it’s become the norm to sit on our duffs for hours at a time. The average person sits for eight hours a day and much of that time is spent in front of a computer. We’ve become dependent on computers for work, shopping and staying in touch with friends. Read More