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Search Results for: stress incontinence

3 Good Reasons Why NOT Everyone Over 60 Needs to Do Kegels

By Kathy Arthurson April 02, 2023

Are you diligently doing Kegels and finding it’s not helping your pelvic health at all? Perhaps you are experiencing involuntary loss of urine or urgent messages to find the bathroom (urge incontinence)? The very symptoms Kegels are meant…

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Facing Alcohol Addiction After 60

By Lori Butler January 13, 2023

In her late 70s, Becky, felt out of place during the Covid-19 crisis. She was finally coming to grips with her alcohol addiction. The problem was exacerbated by her use of prescribed medications – medications she needed to navigate aging…

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5 Simple Steps to a Healthy Pelvis After 60

By Brittany Denis October 25, 2022

Incontinence is an initial warning sign that the strength of your pelvic floor is compromised in some way and no longer has the ability to hold the contents of the pelvis. The initial symptom is leaking urine but if left untreated…

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How to Improve Bladder Health with Your Diet

By Aleece Fosnight September 03, 2022

Many people assume that improving your bladder starts with just improving your pelvic floor and drinking water. And while those two are extremely important to one’s overall bladder function, there are still many other ways to keep your bladder healthy…

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What Women Should Know When Considering Hormone Replacement Therapy

By Aleece Fosnight November 13, 2021

Whether it’s for menopausal symptoms or decreasing the risk of UTIs and incontinence, hormone replacement therapy can be a solution for many issues women experience throughout their life. With that said, women interested…

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How Much Does Assisted Living Cost in the US

By Koob Moua October 26, 2021

Navigating the ins and outs of an Assisted Living Facility is an arduous task. Understanding the associated costs and affordability of Assisted Living Facilities is an additional battle. Alongside our Guide to Assisted Living Facilities, we take you through a more specific vessel – costs associated with Assisted Living Facilities.  We take you through how: […]

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Why a Health Care Partnership in Vital to Your Future

By Peg Doyle September 05, 2021

As a holistic health counselor and bodyworker, I help mostly over-50 women figure out the best way to care for themselves. As we talk, what often comes up is a sense of disconnect when it comes to their relationship with their medical practitioners…

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Understanding and Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease

By Emily White October 26, 2020

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that destroys a person’s intellectual and cognitive abilities and robs them of their memories.  As this disease progresses nerve cells in the brain (neurons) stop working, slowly lose connections to one another and eventually die. This causes memory failure, personality changes and an inability to carry out […]

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5 Surprising Ways to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor, Especially After 50

By Sixty and Me June 06, 2020

I loved my biology classes in middle and high school. And, while I devoured lectures on the heart, lungs, and intestines, we must have skipped the pelvic floor chapter. Did you, too? Turns out, it’s pretty essential, especially to make sure you pee…

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What is a Geriatrician and When Do You Need One?

By Margaret Manning August 21, 2019

If you were looking for a mechanic to work on your car, you would almost certainly want to work with someone who had experience with your car’s make and model. So, why should finding a doctor after 60 be any different?

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