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Search Results for: home sharing

Sharing Your Secrets Could Save You Time, Money and More!

By Suzanne Mulligan-Born January 21, 2023

Several years ago, my husband and I visited an old friend who had not been well. We were shocked to see that his health had deteriorated quite quickly with cancer, heart disease, and early onset Alzheimer’s – all at the age of 60…

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Need Extra Income? Here Are 5 Ways to Get It Out of Your Home

By Riley Gibson September 15, 2022

If you’re feeling pinched these days, you’re not alone. The combination of pandemic, inflation and global events has dealt us all a wallop. And yet there are still bills to be paid, nest eggs to pad or replenish, home improvements to make and adventures…

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10 Fun Things to Do with Someone in a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facility

By Connie Chow June 01, 2022

When a loved one lives in a nursing home or assisted living, visiting regularly is an important way to stay connected and show how much you care. Spending time with you will brighten their day and knowing when you’ll…

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Discovering Hydrosols, Powerful Secret Ingredients for the Body and Home

By Barbara Klein March 18, 2022

Womanly skills are simply not my forte. So, it wasn’t a complete surprise that I had never heard the word – or learned about – hydrosol. That was about to change. Hydrosols are aromatic waters that remain after steam or hydro distilling of botanical materials…

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Building on Experience and Sharing – Happy Birthday and Happy 100, Betty Reid Soskin

By Mary Lou Harris October 06, 2021

Photo credit: Luther Bailey/National Park Service The articles I have recently read about Betty Reid Soskin put me in mind of Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day with the closing lines: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Soskin, throughout her life, seems to have understood […]

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The Odd Experience of Unexpectedly Moving to a New Home

By Ilene Mitnick May 28, 2021

Moving is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 most stressful things in life. In the past seven years, we have moved three times. That’s a lot of hours x weeks and months devoted to planning, packing and pining over personal wares that found…

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How to Make Money in Retirement by Sharing Your Passion for Health

By Lynda Goldman April 04, 2021

For most of my life I’ve been unemployable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t had jobs. I was a college language teacher for many years. That led to an opportunity to write textbooks – and I found that I loved the creativity of writing…

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Hygge is More than Just a Cozy Home! Get More from this Wonderful Concept After 60

By Tamera Layton Grieshaber January 06, 2021

This beautiful Danish concept has become quite commercialized, so that as soon as we hear the word hygge (pronounced hooguh), our mind jumps to bulky sweaters, crackling fires and hot chocolate (or mulled wine)…

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Sharing These 4 Money Mistakes Will Kill My Image as “Super Grandma” (But, I’ll Do it Anyway!)

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2020

Like most children, my grandkids think of me as a superhero. I am a bringer of gifts and laughter. I am their “baba with a backpack” who Skypes them from mountain tops and cruise ships, desert villages and London hotels…

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13 Revelations I Brought Home from My Iconic 50th High School Reunion

By Elizabeth Dunkel October 17, 2019

We slipped quietly into our hometown, arriving one by one – by car, taxi, bus, or train. We all wondered what we would feel. It all looks the same! It all looks different!

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