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Search Results for: divorce

Returning to Work After Divorce

By Mary Salisbury November 20, 2023

When divorce occurs, what was enough to retire on, when you both lived in the same house, can become barely enough to live comfortably, or worse. Many of my mediation cases involve a stay-at-home parent, usually moms…

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End of Marriage Advice: How to Rebuild Trust After a Divorce in Your 60s

By Martha Bodyfelt October 29, 2023

The reason we struggle with trust after a divorce is because we feel like we’ve been betrayed. It’s a crappy weight to have on your shoulders. Similar to its other invasive cousins – anger, guilt, and resentment – losing trust after your long-term…

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What’s at the Roots of Financial Divorce Recovery?

By Hanna Morrell October 24, 2023

Five years post-divorce, 25% of people say they feel recovered from the emotional impact of divorce, vs 35% who say they are still not recovered from the financial impact. Even after five years, so many of us are not financially resilient after divorce…

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2 Divorce Questions Every Older Adult Should Ask… But, Few Do

By Stan Corey October 18, 2023

Unfortunately, men and women rarely ask themselves two essential questions as they begin the divorce process or while negotiating the final settlement: Will the settlement allow me and my family to be financially secure now and in the future?

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How to Encourage Your Spouse to Mediate Your Divorce

By Mary Salisbury October 10, 2023

As a mediator and divorce financial analyst, I often meet with one spouse who is on board with mediating but must convince their spouse to go that same route. If you are approaching divorce, there are many reasons why mediation is the better choice…

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How to Find Joy and Gratitude Following Your Divorce After 50

By Martha Bodyfelt October 06, 2023

When recovering from divorce after 50, every day can feel like a struggle. Learning how to reinvent ourselves, establish our independence again, and figure out what we want during this next chapter of our lives is a bit overwhelming…

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Navigating Late-Life Divorce: Insights for Business-Owning Couples

By Brian Joslyn October 04, 2023

In the realm of divorce, where most states follow the principle of equitable distribution of property, older individuals facing the complexities of gray divorce often find themselves grappling with fear and confusion. This uncertainty primarily stems…

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4 Secrets of Confident Divorced Women over 50

By Martha Bodyfelt September 17, 2023

In my years as a divorce recovery coach for women over 50, and as a survivor of divorce myself, I have seen that every single confident divorced woman over 50 possesses four common traits. It doesn’t matter her professional background, or where she lives…

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Thinking About Divorce? Be Smart and Plan Ahead

By Mary Salisbury September 09, 2023

Are you thinking about divorce? I get that you are frightened, stressed, and wondering how it’s all going to play out. People plan for their weddings; divorces are no different – they need planning. I’m not advocating for divorce…

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Coping with the Emotional Challenges of Gray Divorce

By Brian Joslyn August 29, 2023

While the overall divorce rates appear to be stabilizing, there’s a noticeable upward trend known as “gray divorces.” These divorces involve couples who have spent years building lives together, raising children, and managing…

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