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Search Results for: authentic life

Embracing Change and Cultivating Fulfillment: A Life Coach’s Guide to Thriving in Your 60s and Beyond

By Diane Bruno February 08, 2024

At a time when the saying “life is too short” resonates more deeply, the idea of settling into a stagnant existence in later years is rapidly and happily becoming obsolete! The millennial and Z generations, with their emphasis on passion, purpose…

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The Curious Path to the Life You Really Want

By Linda Wattier September 16, 2023

Something big was afoot. Bored out of my mind and tired of the daily grind, I couldn’t muster up even one ounce of enthusiasm. My work in the corporate world had become meaningless. I knew I had reached a significant turning point…

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Embracing Your Authentic Self After 60

By Joanie Marx September 09, 2023

If you were asked to describe your authentic self, what words or descriptions would you use? At first glance, this may seem simple to answer.
But what if your authentic self goes beyond your name, age, marital status, what your profession…

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Are You Between the Stories of Your Life?

By Astrid Longhurst August 05, 2023

The tides of our life take us on endless journeys of discovery and adventure. They unfold and unfurl in ways that, at times, are almost impossible to see or plan for. Sometimes we simply bathe in the small gentle ripples of the waves as they kiss the shore…

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Being a Midlife Woman in America Today

By Deborah Voll July 09, 2023

Being a woman in midlife in America today is a transformative journey that encompasses both positive and challenging aspects. It is a time of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. July is a great time to explore the joys and challenges…

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How to Re-Imagine a New Life Story and Regenerate Yourself After 60

By Astrid Longhurst June 30, 2023

I am at the stage in my life where I find myself reflecting on who I was and wondering who I desire to become. I have changed so much through the different stories of my life – from the demanding young woman who struggled so hard…

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Square Pegs in a Round World: Embracing Your Authentic Self as You Age

By Wendy Edwardson December 25, 2022

As someone who has spent her entire life on the peripheral, I know all about being a square peg in a round world. As a once attractive young woman who desperately wanted to fit in, I would never have thought to say anything that ran contrary to popular opinion…

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Do You Allow Busyness to Overtake Your Life After 50 and Beyond?

By Delia Lloyd October 11, 2022

I was trying to plan an outing with a friend I’d not seen in a while. But when I looked at my calendar, I realized that my next window wasn’t for another month. “I’m really sorry,” I said…

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Why Slowing Down Increases the Quality of Your Life

By Joanie Marx August 29, 2022

How many times have you found yourself feeling weighed down with an unexpected life crisis that involved your health, finances, relationships, and even the state of the world? What if I said a life crisis can be avoided, stress relieved, and the overall quality…

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The Essence of Being Authentically Visible

By Michelle Vandepas July 26, 2022

How can we not be authentic? We are who we are. If, somehow, we are not showing our true selves, isn’t that who we are being? This is exactly who we are, in this place and in this time right now. Previously, I had never understood what it meant to be authentic…

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