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Search Results for: aging well

My Favorite Cemetery Travel Books

By Alexandra Kathryn Mosca September 30, 2022

Autumn. A time for pumpkin picking, hayrides, apple cider – and exploring cemeteries. There’s an energizing crispness in the air, and the cooler temperatures are perfect for long walks. In fact, taphophiles (cemetery enthusiasts) will tell you…

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Preparing to Scan Your Old Photo Collection? Get Ready to Spend Some Time!

By Peter Bennett September 30, 2022

People ask me all the time about the best way to scan their old prints. If you have taken on the role of family photo historian, you will need to do some scanning at some point. You may still have boxes of loose prints…

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Would You Like to be a Queen?

By Ann Richardson September 29, 2022

Regardless of where you live or your political system, you could hardly have missed the incredible spectacle of the British Queen’s funeral arrangements a few weeks ago. My television receives some channels from all over the world, and almost every…

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Upper Arm Pain: Everything You Need to Know

By Camilla Moore September 29, 2022

If you are experiencing upper arm pain, you are not alone. This is a widespread problem that affects many people. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of upper arm pain and the treatment options available to you. We will also provide tips…

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Yes, You Can Realize Your Travel Dreams at Any Age!

By Carolyn Frick September 28, 2022

It seems that everybody has a bucket list these days, and for many of us that list includes travel. Even though my husband and I have been traveling together for over 20 years, our bucket list of places we want to go keeps getting longer…

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Will Your Health Span Match Your Lifespan? How Not to Outlive Your Health

By Lorraine Melendez September 28, 2022

As we round the corner of 60 years of age, the question of retirement looms large. Have I saved enough? How’s my 401K? How much will Social Security provide? I need to call my financial planner. For many, our past preparation and planning for that eventual…

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How to Use the Power of Words to Make You Feel Fabulous at 60 Plus!

By Astrid Longhurst September 27, 2022

When was the last time you whispered “sweet somethings” to yourself? How often do you praise and speak happily about the majesty and beauty of YOU? How much is your inner self dialogue loving, supportive, encouraging, compassionate…

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How to Live a Creative Life Even If You Are “Not Creative”

By Michael MacDonald September 27, 2022

When you think of being creative do you start to feel a little freer? Or do you quickly freeze up with frustration or self-doubt? I would like to help you to loosen up with a few practical ideas from people who know a few things about what creativity really is…

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Do You Really Need $1 Million to Retire? Maybe Not!

By Justin Pritchard September 27, 2022

Women in their 60s are increasingly questioning if it makes sense to continue working. For a variety of reasons, including an increased focus on what’s most important in life, work is sliding down the list of priorities. With the help from stock…

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To Buy or to Build, That Is the Question

By Cindy Williams September 26, 2022

So you are ready to buy or build a home that fits your retirement needs, but which is the better choice? Is buying an existing home the cheaper, least stressful choice or is building a new home the most efficient and satisfying choice?

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