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Search Results for: type 2 diabetes

Common Vision Issues

By Jessica Thomas November 05, 2020

We all want to maintain the best vision we can. Most of us couldn’t imagine everyday life without our vision, which is why it might be alarming to some when vision issues arise. A vision issue may develop due to various factors, and some are more common than you think. Most common vision issues have […]

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Selecting an Adult Day Center

By Koob Moua October 16, 2020

The search for an adult day center (ADC) is straining. The task requires close consideration as it concerns the comfort of your loved one. We’re here to help. Families who seek out adult day centers may be in different stages of life and have their own reasons for seeking assistance, but the goal is the […]

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Pennsylvania Aging Statistics & Resource Guide

By Sixty and Me September 21, 2020

The Pennsylvania Aging Statistics & Resource Guide contains key information, links and statistics for senior citizens in Pennsylvania. With an aging population and the average cost of care averaging between $23.00 an hour for home care to $10,403 a month for skilled nursing care, Pennsylvania is typically more expensive than the national average.  This guide […]

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North Dakota Aging Statistics & Resource Guide

By Sixty and Me September 21, 2020

The North Dakota Aging Statistics & Resource Guide contains key information, links and statistics for senior citizens in North Dakota. With an aging population and the average cost of care averaging between $27.00 an hour for home care to $11,986 a month for skilled nursing care, North Dakota is typically more expensive than the national […]

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When It Comes to Longevity, Quality Years Are What Really Counts

By Joy Stephenson-Laws August 22, 2020

Every year or so, it seems that popular culture updates the idea of the “new 40” to reflect our increasing longevity. For example, I remember when “50 is the new 40” was being touted. Today, we hear that “60 is the new 40…”

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The 10,000 Step Myth and What We Really Need to Do to Stay Active During the Pandemic

By Joy Stephenson-Laws July 19, 2020

Have you heard about “Quarantine 15?” It is the new “Freshman 15” and refers to the average of 15 pounds that many people are bemoaning they have gained during all the various “stay at home” orders around the country…

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The Connection Between Chronic Diseases and the Coronavirus Epidemic

By Nancy Scanlan April 11, 2020

By now we know that chronic diseases make the COVID-19 infection (caused by the Coronavirus) worse. It is obvious why something like asthma could complicate COVID-19…

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6 Evidence-Based Ways to Boost Your Immune System – So Important Right Now!

By Jane Thurnell-Read March 21, 2020

As we get older, it is particularly important that we nurture our immune systems. They help to fight bugs of all sorts, including the current COVID-19 infection…

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Think Twice about Trying a “Fish Pedicure” on Your Next Mid-Life Vacation

By Joy Stephenson-Laws August 02, 2019

For me, a big part about going on vacation is having the opportunity to try new things that I probably would never try, nor would have access to, at home. So, I was more than a little intrigued when a friend told me she had a “fish pedicure”…

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5 Simple Things You Can Do to Live A Longer, Healthier Life – According to Dr. Sanjiv Chopra

By Sixty and Me April 25, 2019

Younger folks want to live as long as possible. But, as you age, your perspective about life will start to change with each passing year. Eventually, you will come to realize that it’s not just the number of years in your life, but the quality of the life you lead within those years. Read More