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Search Results for: relationships

Grandparenting Tips: Building a Strong Relationship with Your Daughter in Law

By Margaret Manning September 25, 2014

The relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws is complicated. At its best, it can be like finding a long-lost daughter. At worst, it can be a center of tension for the entire family.

When you think about it, having a daughter-in-law is a beautiful thing. After all, this is the person that your son has chosen from the billions of women in the world. She is also the mother of your precious grandchildren. And, while this may be hard for many mothers to accept, she is now the center of your son’s life.

So, with so much riding on the mother-in-law to daughter-in-law relationship, why is it so hard to get right? Why do so many of us feel a sense of tension, or even outright hostility, from the most important woman in our son’s life? Read More

6 Strategies to Help You Get the Most from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning September 17, 2014

Life after 60 can be one of the most challenging and uncertain times in a woman’s life. It can also be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding. With our roles and responsibilities changing, life is once again a fresh canvas. If you are just now turning 60, you may be wondering what’s to do next.

Do you want to take it easy for a while? Or, after years in a corporate career, perhaps you want to start a business of your own? Whether you want to travel, work, relax or volunteer, there is no reason that life after 60 shouldn’t be amazing. Read More

6 Myths about Aging that Hold Women Back

By Margaret Manning August 07, 2014

Myths are stories that create stereotypes. They are only true if we allow them to affect the way we live. This is true of the many myths about aging. If you believe what you see on TV, older people are forgetful, afraid of change, isolated, technophobic and weak. The problem is that these are not harmless perceptions. They may actually cause older women to live up to the expectations that society sets for them. Read More

Starting a Business After 60? Why “Doing What You Love” Isn’t Enough

By Margaret Manning July 22, 2014

People like simple explanations to difficult problems. We know that relationships are complicated but we like to believe that “love conquers all.” We understand that starting a business requires passion, discipline, value creation and luck, but, it’s so much more pleasant to believe that if you “do what you love the money will follow.”

The problem is that half-truths are often more destructive than lies. They wrap our desires in a warm blanket of believability and prevent us from making rational choices. Nowhere is this truer than in the myth of the successful hobby-business. Read More

6 Ridiculous Myths About Women Over 60

By Margaret Manning June 25, 2014

Today, women over 60 are defining and creating a whole new category of bold and fearless individuals with style, energy and ability! Many younger people might be surprised at the reality of life for women over 60 and the depth of their desire to be heard, respected and visible.

I asked women in the Sixty and Me community what they thought was the biggest misconception or stereotype that people have about our age group. They came back fighting with responses that were gutsy and enlightening. Read More

How to Deal with Loneliness in Retirement (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 18, 2014

Many women have to deal with loneliness in retirement as their personal roles and responsibilities change and evolve. Often predictable routines and support systems that gave life meaning in the past are no longer in place. Read More

Women Over 60 Give Advice to Their 18-Year-Old Selves

By Margaret Manning June 14, 2014

One of the advantages of reaching our 60s is that we’re (hopefully) so much wiser than we used to be! Isn’t it amazing how much our lives have changed and evolved? As we get older we often realize that some things that used to be important to us no longer are so terribly significant. Certain dreams and priorities and relationships fall by the wayside – and yet we also have the good fortune to discover new passions in life, adventures to pursue, new people to share with and experiences to enjoy. Read More

It’s a New World! 5 Things that are Different about Grandkids Today

By Margaret Manning June 13, 2014

Grandkids are a treasure for many women over 60 – but just as is the case with so many other aspects of our world and our new stage of life, many things are much different than previous generations might have expected. Read More

60 Ways to Find Meaning in Life After 60

By Margaret Manning May 20, 2014

Does the meaning of life change after 60? That’s the question I found myself asking, recently, as I sat in a small café, writing and preparing for the week to come. Read More

Grandmother Quotes

By Margaret Manning May 17, 2014

We’ve collected these grandmother quotes to celebrate one of life’s most special relationships. But, whether you are a grandma or not, we hope that you enjoy reading this collection of grandma quotes and sayings as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Do you have any other grandmother quotes to share? Please add them in […]

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