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Search Results for: memoir

How to Cope with the Suicide of a Loved One

By Diana Raab September 10, 2021

Although suicide isn’t a subject most of us like to talk about, the fact is that September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is an issue that has been occupying my mind for more than five decades. It all began when I was 10 years old…

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7 Ideas for Preserving Your Family History

By Becki Cohn-Vargas August 16, 2021

As women in our 60s, we have much to reflect back upon in our lives, while still most likely enjoying the company of a few elderly relatives. Suddenly, unique to this time in my life, I realized the accessibility and the incredible power of linking the past, the present, and the future…

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How to Continue to Feel Relevant as a Woman Over 60

By Elaine Ambrose August 07, 2021

A tragic reality occurs when women reach the age of 60. Suddenly we become invisible and irrelevant to the rest of the world. To retain some dignity and purpose, it’s only appropriate to forget the crowing roosters and establish…

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Musings on Being a Grandmother in a Strange World

By Diana Raab June 19, 2021

My oldest grandchild just turned five, and since he was born, I have been blessed with four more grandchildren. Becoming a grandparent has been a magical experience for me. I never knew that it would elicit an entirely new set of thoughts and emotions…

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How we Hosted “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” During the Pandemic

By Kathleen M. Rehl June 13, 2021

The best benefit of “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” for us during last summer’s pandemic peak was precious time with our grandsons and their parents. We never shared this many weeks together with them since their own childhood… and they probably…

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How to Get a Book Published in Your 50s, 60s or Beyond

By Candace Johnson April 05, 2021

Is writing a memoir, novel, or self-help book on your bucket list? Does the thought of writing your story fill you with excitement? Whether you’ve been writing for years or are just beginning to nurture that kernel of creativity, your dream of seeing your name…

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What Will You Do Differently This Year?

By Delia Lloyd March 31, 2021

When I open my online workshops these days, I often put the following directive on the screen: “In chat, tell us something you’ll do differently in 2021.” It’s meant to be a conversation starter before we begin the business of the day. Lately, however, I’ve been…

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Attention Grandmothers: What Will Happen to Your Life Story?

By Susan "Honey" Good March 01, 2021

Every grandmother has her story. I may not know each of you personally, but I know that, like me, you’ve had loves and losses, trials and triumphs. But where does that story live – other than in your heart and mind?

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60 and Wondering What to Do with Your Life? Start a Blog!

By Christine Field February 25, 2021

How many blogs do you read in an average week? Have you ever wondered whether you should start a blog of your own? I can help you answer that question with a resounding, “Yes!” There are blogs about every conceivable topic…

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Computer Literacy Courses for Seniors

By Sixty and Me February 01, 2021

Are you interested in learning about computers and how to use them? Are you curious about what a computer can bring into your life? Computers entered our worlds a few decades ago and you may have learned some basics back then and didn’t keep up with the technology. Is it time to catch up with […]

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