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Search Results for: downsize

How to Get Rid of Stuff When You Have a Hard Time Getting Rid of Stuff

By Angela Horn June 09, 2020

Whenever I tell people about our minimalist lifestyle they invariably say they love the idea but have a hard time letting go of stuff. My partner and I don’t really get…

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Honey, I Shrunk the World!

By Brooke Nichols June 03, 2020

The master plan called for selling the family home once the last kid was out of high school and off to college. We’d both be over 60 and ready for the next chapter…

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8 Suitcases to My Name: My Extreme Downsizing Experience and What it Taught Me

By Margaret Manning May 29, 2020

I never expected to cry over a lost suitcase, but, this is exactly what I did when the airline told me that one of my 8 suitcases had gone missing. Now, this may sound like…

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Stuck at Home? 20 Things to Do if You’re Trying to Avoid the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Over Age 60

By Sixty and Me March 26, 2020

Up until now, I’ve haven’t written too much about the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak. But, after much soul-searching, I decided that I had an obligation to help all of you to get through this difficult time…

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What to Do with Your Collectibles When Downsizing

By Rita Call March 24, 2020

I have written several articles and given presentations on the importance of getting your affairs in order for your loved ones prior to your death. In fact, I created a flash drive called My Affairs in Order that allows you to record financial and personal information for your family. Read More

Social Security is a Dead Man Walking: You Need a Plan B!

By Sixty and Me March 21, 2020

Social Security is dead. It just hasn’t stopped twitching. This is the only conclusion that I can come to after reviewing all of the available data and considering the political and social environment that we are likely to face over the next 20-30 years.

In fact, the more I think about Social Security, the more I believe that everyone, from recent retirees to Millennials need to assume that this safety net will disappear, in whole, or in part, within the next few decades. Read More

How Downsizing Early Could Help You Save $200K Extra for Retirement

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2020

It’s not surprising that downsizing has become a big trend in the United States and other Western countries. After all, we are simply drowning in stuff! How much stuff? Well, according to the LA Times, the average U.S. household contains 300,000 items…

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Are You “Dueling” with Clutter? How to Win the Battle and Get Your Life Back

By Rita Wilkins February 15, 2020

Are you fighting a never-ending battle with clutter? If you think you are alone, you’re not! According to the National Association of Professional Organizers: 54% of Americans are overwhelmed by clutter…

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Down with Downsizing: The Art of Rightsizing Before and During Retirement

By Sixty and Me February 10, 2020

Few trends have captured the imagination of soon-to-be retirees with as much force as downsizing. In fact, if you read most retirement blogs or books, downsizing feels like it is almost a prerequisite to moving into the next phase of your life. The truth, as I have found by managing a community of 500,000 recent retirees, is more complicated.  Read More

What Is Swedish Death Cleaning (And Why Should You Be Doing It)?

By Angela Horn December 03, 2019

My mom was a hoarder. While not in the same league as the people featured on Buried Alive (thankfully), she clearly had a problem letting go. There were the clothes dating back to the mid-70s that no longer fit her…

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