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7 years ago

Goodbye Hip-Replacement Surgery? New Procedure Helps Hips Heal Themselves

For many older adults, hip surgery is a necessary evil. While none of us wants to go through the difficult rehabilitation process that follows hip-replacement surgery, the alternative is worse by far. So, for the sake of our mobility and future pain-free life, we put our hips in our doctor’s hands and hope for the best. Read More

7 years ago

Helen Mirren Ditches Her Limo, Takes the Bus to Movie Premier

There are many reasons that we love Helen Mirren. She is an amazing actress, with 26 major awards to her name, including one Oscar. She is a champion for women’s rights and an outspoken critic of sexism and ageism. And, as today’s story demonstrates, despite her continued success as an actress, she is a down-to-earth lady who can even make riding the bus look fabulous! Read More

7 years ago

Happy 67th Birthday, Jane Seymour – We Love Your Bold, Adventurous Style!

I love Jane Seymour. She is bold, unconventional, adventurous and independent. Besides, anyone who would change her name to one of King Henry VIII’s wives has my admiration. Incidentally, she chose wisely, because Jane Seymour was the only of the Henry’s wives who did not lose her head! Read More

7 years ago

New Emojis Let Seniors Express Their Fabulous Silver Selves!

For most kids, letting their parents take a look at their phone messages is about as appealing as going to the dentist. Of course, if you have seen a teenager’s phone recently, you know that they have no reason to worry. They don’t even talk in words! Read More

7 years ago

Response to British Actress’ Comments About Sex After 60 Show How Far We Still Have to Go

Sex after 60, like sex at any age, is a deeply personal experience. Some of us still feel sexual at 60. Others would describe their desires as sensual. Still others would say that they have no interest in physical intimacy at all. That’s ok. Read More

7 years ago

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Finishes Chemo, Reminds Us to Fight Breast Cancer

According to the latest statistics, more than 266,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2018. This means that, if it takes you four minutes to read this article, two more women in the U.S. will have been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Read More

7 years ago

Will Driverless Cars Become a Hit with Older Adults? New Pilot Project in The Villages Says “Yes!”

There is a stereotype that older adults are unwilling to try new technologies or, worse, that we fear technical innovation. While this is clearly ridiculous, in my experience, it is true that we tend to wait for a technology to become useful before we jump on board. Read More

7 years ago

Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman Appear Together in “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms”

If you love Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman – and who doesn’t? – I have great news. These two Sixty and Me favorites are scheduled to appear together in the upcoming Disney film, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms towards the end of 2018! Read More

7 years ago

Recent Stock Market Rollercoaster Has Seniors Scared… Here’s What We Can Do About it!

Well, that got out of hand quickly. That’s what I thought as I watched the Dow fall 1,175 (4.6%) on Monday, February 6th, 2018. Then, like many people with an interest in global economic affairs, I sat back and watched chaos erupt in markets around the world. As of the writing of this article, Japan’s Nikkei has plunged 4.7% and London’s FTSE 100 is down 3%. Read More

7 years ago

How Well Do Your Grandkids Know You? Surprising New Study Makes Us Question Our Role!

For better or for worse, I started telling my grandkids about my life before they could talk – or even understand what I was saying! I can’t help it! I’m just a talker. I always have been and I always will be. Read More