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7 years ago

Danger Will Robinson! Lost in Space Reimagined on Netflix

Like so many 1960s shows, Lost in Space left its mark on popular culture. Even today, if you say “Danger Will Robinson,” you will be instantly understood, even if the person who you are talking too never watched the show. Read More

7 years ago

Senior Scams: Exposing the Dirty Trick Scammers Use to Gain Your Confidence

Scamming someone is all about playing on their most basic emotions – fear, greed or love. But, before a scammer can play on your emotions, they first need to gain your confidence. For this reason, more scammers than ever are going to elaborate lengths to pose as people that we trust. Read More

7 years ago

What Makes the Perfect City for Older Adults? These 12-Year-Olds Have Some Great Ideas!

Spend 10 minutes in almost any major city around the world and you will realize that urban environments just weren’t designed with older adults in mind. From New York to London, seniors face limited transportation options, safety concerns and few multi-generational housing opportunities. Read More

7 years ago

From Educator to Kidney Donor, Hero Teacher Saves a Family

Great teachers are more than just great educators. They are also child psychologists, trained in the school of life, with their fingers on the pulse of their students’ emotions. Read More

7 years ago

Are You Still Saving in Retirement? The Good Habit that’s Surprisingly Hard to Kick

For years, we have been hearing about how our generation is not prepared for retirement. In fact, the statistics are kind of scary. Read More

7 years ago

Jane Seymour Appears in Tasteful Playboy Shoot, Shatters Aging Stereotypes

Ok, I’ve only written the title for this article and I’ve already said two things that I never thought I would say: “Tasteful Playboy shoot” and “Jane Seymour (67) appears in Playboy.”

Now, normally, I wouldn’t consider a Playboy story to be relevant for our community, but, there are a couple of reasons that I wanted to share this with you now. Read More

7 years ago

Need One More Reason to Be Positive? it May Fight Off Dementia!

Since starting Sixty and Me, almost 5 years ago, I have noticed something interesting; the positive thinkers among us are, on average, happier, more active, stronger, more social and more engaged with the world. Read More

7 years ago

The Queen Shakes Up London Fashion Week with Surprise Visit (Pictures)

No matter where you are in the world, chances are that your life has been heavily influenced by British culture and design. As a teenager, living in the U.S., I remember being completely in love with the Beatles. I didn’t wash my hands for a week after shaking Paul McCartney’s hand after a concert, but, that’s another story. Read More

7 years ago

Aww! This Sweet Video of a Man Playing Guitar for His Dog Will Make Your Day!

There is no doubt that the women in our community love their pets. They are our best friends, confidants and exercise coaches. They keep us warm on long winter nights and get us out of the house during the sweltering summer heat. Read More

7 years ago

Marriage Rates Among Older Adults Rising Due to This One Heart-Warming Fact

It’s no secret that the concept of marriage has taken a beating in recent years. In movies and on TV, the very idea of tying yourself to someone for life is seen as, at best, antiquated and cute and, at worst, unrealistic and harmful. Read More