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5 years ago

I Am SO EXCITED! Our First Ever Group Cruise!

For years, my Sixty and Me sisters have told me that they wanted to take part in events where they could meet each other, face-to-face, hug-to-hug! After all, you can’t have too many friends. And, what better way to meet like-minded people than on a cruise to the beautiful Norwegian fjords? Join 60 of your Sixty and Me sisters on this affordable, yet comfortable cruise to one of the most spectacular places on Earth. Today’s video has all the details. Are you interested in joining our Sixty and Me group on this cruise? Why or why not?

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5 years ago

Funky Fashion Over 60: Mix it Up and Create Fabulous Looks!

Think fashion over 60 is all about conservative styles in black and navy? Then, today’s video may shock (or even anger) you! In today’s interview, my guest and I discuss how to mix unusual items to create fabulous outfits. These choices may not be what others expect from you… but, that’s the point! So, why not throw the “rules” out of the window and be unapologetically, defiantly and powerfully yourself? You deserve to wear clothes that make you look and feel amazing! Do you like to mix different items in your wardrobe into fabulous looks? Or do you prefer a more careful approach?

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5 years ago

10 Ways to Make New Friends (and Get Closer to the People Who Matter!)

At our age, we don’t need *more* people in our lives… we need more of *the right* people in our lives! But, making friends as an older adult isn’t always easy. So, today, I thought that I would share 10 ways to build new friendships while strengthening your relationships with the people who you already care about. Have you made any new friends recently? Where did you meet and how did you strike up a conversation?

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5 years ago

Do You Have a Book in You? You Might Be Surprised!

Have you ever dreamed of writing a book but didn’t know where to start? Do you have a story to tell your kids, grandkids or the world at large? Then, today’s video may be just what you need to get started. And, if not, we have plenty of other fascinating articles to choose from! Have you ever thought about writing a book? Do you have a particular subject that you would like to write about?

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5 years ago

My Latest Charity Shop Necklace Haul (Video)

Another sunny Sunday has arrived and I don’t know about you, but, I am ready for a break from all the chaos and “breaking news” in the world. So, today, I thought that I would take a stroll on the lighter side of things and share some beautiful necklaces that I just found at my local charity shop. I hope that they inspire you to wear something that makes you happy today! Where are your favorite places to search for little fashion treasures? Do you like charity shops? Garage sales? Small family-owned shops? Somewhere else?

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5 years ago

Toss or Treasure? How to Freshen Up Your Look This Spring

Later this month, I am going to be moving to a new house. So, I spent many hours this week cleaning out my closets, recycling and giving old items to charity. As I went through this process, I was reminded of a fun interview that I did with fashion expert, Dorrie Jacobson. In our video discussion, Dorrie mentioned 9 clothing items that tend to clutter up our closets after 60… and what we can do to replace them. I hope that you find our conversation fun and useful! Do you have any old-fashioned clothing items cluttering up your closet? What older items are you hanging onto with the hope that they will come back into style?

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5 years ago

Body Shame and Older Women… How to Fight Back

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the harmful effects that body shaming can have on young women. But, the fact that older women also face unrealistic expectations and impossible comparisons is less talked about. So, today, I want to tackle the issue of body shaming and older women head on. I hope that you will join me in fighting back! How has body shame impacted your life of the lives of your friends? Do you think that we face unrealistic expectations of beauty as we age? Why or why not?

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5 years ago

Girls’ Weekends and Slumber Parties After 60? Why Not?

Have you ever noticed how society expects older adults to be conservative, dull and boring? Well, today, I want to talk about how we can maintain vibrant and fascinating social lives after 60. From girls’ weekends to slumber parties, this video has something for everyone! I hope you enjoy it! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

5 years ago

7 Powerful Ways to Fight Ageism… While Getting More from Your Own Life

Do you ever feel like “ageism” is the last “ism” to be socially acceptable? I do! This is a shame, not only because stereotyping and discriminating against any group of people is wrong… but, also because the world is aging. On a practical level, ageism robs society of its connection to the largest and most powerful demographic. So, today, I would like to offer 7 powerful ways to fight back against ageism. Along the way, I hope to give you some ideas for how to get more from your life. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

5 years ago

Shhh… Don’t Tell Anyone This Secret for Applying Bronzer and Blush After 60!

Every time I sit down to talk with my good friend – and professional makeup artist – Ariane Poole, I know that I am about to embark on a fabulous learning adventure. And, in today’s interview, Ariane and I tackle a question that is on many of our minds as we get a little older – how to apply bronzer and blush in the most flattering (and speedy!) way. I hope that you find our conversation interesting and fun! Do you still use bronzer or blush? What are your favorite products or brands? What did you think of Ariane’s advice?

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