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5 years ago

Video Interview: An 80-Year-Old Model Shares Her Healthy Aging and Beauty Tips

As an 80-year-old model and cancer survivor, Valerie Ramsey knows a thing or two about healthy aging. And, as an author and mother of six, she is constantly on the move and always wants to look her best. So, I just had to get her on the show! I honestly enjoyed this interview (link below) so much. Valerie is simply beautiful, inside and out. What do you think of the trend towards more older adults getting involved in modeling? What do you believe are the secrets to healthy aging?

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5 years ago

I Never Thought I Would Do This… (Big News from Sixty and Me!)

Over the last several years, I have tried hard to make most of our content free to the community. But, since Sixty and Me is also a business, I have had to charge for a few things… like our gentle yoga DVDs. Well, today, I have some good news. I have decided to make all of our yoga videos completely FREE on YouTube. No catch. No fees. No password. Just life-changing yoga practices designed for women like us. This decision is going to cost me money, but, I just want to make a difference in the world. So, I’m happy to do this for you. I only have one favor to ask. If you like the videos, please share them with your friends. Let’s change the world together! Click the link below to watch the first video.

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5 years ago

How to Find Peace and Quiet in a Noisy World

Modern life is filled with buzzing devices and flashing screens. Is it any surprise that we can’t hear ourselves think? If you feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the stimulation in this crazy world of ours, you will love today’s video. In it, I explain how to find peace and quiet in a noisy world. What do you do to find peace and quiet? Are there any activities that you enjoy? Places that you go?

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5 years ago

10 Ways Travel Broadens Your Perspective After 60

When I was a young woman, alone and ready for adventure, I picked up my backpack and boarded a plane for India. I didn’t come back for months. In some ways, I never came back. But, no matter how much the travel of my youth influenced me, it doesn’t compare to the way that travel in my 60s (and now 70s) makes me feel. Perhaps I’m just a little wiser. Or maybe, I am finally able to slow down and enjoy the journey. But, for whatever reason, traveling as an older solo woman is liberating and powerful. So, in today’s video, I would like to share some thoughts on how travel broadens your perspective at any age. Have you taken any trips lately that helped you to see the world in a different way? Do you agree that travel broadens your perspective at any age?

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5 years ago

20 Ways to Create Joyful Thoughts Every Day!

Our thoughts have a powerful impact on the directions of our lives… this is as true at age 66 as it was when we were 16. So, today, I thought that I would take a break from all of the breaking news in the world and share 20 amazing ways to create joyful thoughts every single day! I hope that you find today’s video useful! Are there any particular activities that help you to think happy, joyful thoughts? What do you do to create joyful thoughts every day?

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5 years ago

Are You Taking Yourself Too Seriously? Maybe it’s Time to Lighten Up?

Life is serious stuff. We worry about family, money, our health, our partners, the world and a myriad of other concerns. When we reach our 60s, our concerns don’t go away… but, today, I want to argue that, at the very least, we can stop taking *ourselves* quite so seriously. When we do, the other troubles that enter our minds won’t seem quite as bad. Do you remember to giggle at yourself once in a while? Do you ever find yourself talking life (or yourself) too seriously?

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5 years ago

My New Summer Makeup Tutorial Video (Having Fun with Catrice!)

Well, at least in my neck of the woods, it feels like summer is definitely on the way! So, today, I thought that it would be fun to share a new summer makeup tutorial video, featuring Catrice. If you want to add a little glow (and maybe even a little glitter!) to your summer look, this video is for you! Makeup not your thing? No problem! Check out our other articles below! Are you ready for the summer? What are your favorite summer makeup products or clothing items?

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5 years ago

How Your Gazingus Pins (Yes You Have Them!) Are Eating Your Money… Big Time!

What the heck is a gazingus pin and how could it influence your financial future? You’ll have to watch today’s video to find out! Like so many keys to financial freedom, today’s topic is simple to understand, yet difficult to master. But, not to worry! With the secrets that I will share today, you will have a real shot at getting your money matters in order. What are your gazingus pins? Do you feel like you have more or less control over your finances than you had a year ago? Why?

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5 years ago

4 Questions to Guide Your End of Life Planning (and a Special Goodbye!)

Have you ever noticed that the topics that we least want to talk about are the ones that none of us can avoid – death and taxes spring to mind! Well, today, I want to shine some light on a topic that has a tendency to hide in the shadows. That’s right, I’m talking about end-of-life planning. I also want to say a personal and heartfelt goodbye to Evelyn Hannon, the founder of Journeywoman, who recently passed away. Have you done any end of life planning? What questions did you ask yourself as you were going through this process? Do you have any thoughts or prayers for Evelyn Hannon’s family?

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5 years ago

Fashion Bargain or Bust: When is a Deal Not a Deal?

Everyone loves a deal… and I am definitely no exception! But, is it possible that our search for better prices sometimes pushes us to buy cheap items that we don’t really need? And, does it cause us to avoid more expensive, well-made, items that we would wear every day? You bet! So, today, let’s talk about the delicate art of finding good value, not just low prices when we shop for clothes. Where do you like to shop for clothes? Do you ever find yourself putting price above quality? Why or why not?

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