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5 years ago

Going on a Retreat Can Energize Your Life After 60 (And, It’s Cheaper Than You Think!)

As older women, we take on so much! Many of us are still working in “retirement”. Millions of us are raising our own grandkids. And, millions more are the primary caregivers for a spouse or other family member. So, today, I want to tell you that you deserve a break. Maybe you won’t be able to go today (or even this week). But, I hope that this video inspires you to take a “retreat”… even if it’s just a camping trip that you organize with some friends or an adventure to a new city. Do you agree that a “retreat” doesn’t have to be an expensive organized event to be relaxing and fun? What is the most relaxing trip that you have ever taken?

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5 years ago

5 Hot Holiday Tips for Older Women on the Go!

Have you ever saved up for a holiday only to have the reality fall far short of your expectations? Have you ever found yourself sitting in your hotel room wondering, “What am I doing here?” You’re not alone! So, today, I thought that it would be fun to share 5 holiday tips that will help you to get the most from your next adventure into this wonderful world of ours! I’d also love to hear your vacation tips. Have you ever gone on a trip that you regretted? What was the best holiday that you ever took? What tips do you want to give the other women in our community about preparing for a holiday?

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5 years ago

Are You Ready to Choose You? (And Let Go of Your Past!)

No matter where we are from, we have all faced our share of challenges in the past. And, many of our experiences have left scars that still haunt us today. So, in this video, I have a positive message to share… I want to ask you to choose you. I want to encourage you to let go of your past (especially if you have been hurt by others) and become your own best friend. You deserve this! Are there things in your past that are preventing you from being your own best friend? Are you ready to choose you today?

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5 years ago

Rocking Life After 60: From an 80-Year-Old Model, Mom of 6 and Author

Women over 60 are masters of reinvention. But, few women have transformed their lives as completely as the fabulous Valerie Ramsey. Valerie, who is my guest on the show today is a stay-at-home mom of 6 who started a corporate job in her 50s… became a model in her 60s and today, at 80, is also an author of several books. Along the way, she battled (and beat) cancer. So, in other words, Valerie is a fascinating person and I hope you enjoy our discussion. How have you reinvented yourself over the last few decades? What is the hardest challenge that you have overcome? What did you think of my interview with Valerie Ramsey?

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5 years ago

This (Somewhat Unusual) Trick is a Happiness Magnet!

Do you want to give your happiness level a little boost? Then, I have good news… in today’s video, I will share a little-known secret that is a real happiness magnet. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a penny. If you enjoy my message today, please share it with a friend! What techniques do you use when you need a little happiness boost? Have you ever tried the happiness trick that I mentioned today?

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5 years ago

Margaret’s Summer Makeup Tips: Don’t Feel the Sweat… Feel the Sparkle!

Does wearing makeup in the hot summer months sometimes make you feel like one of those wax figures at Madame Tussauds? You’re not alone. But, despite the heat, we still want to look our best in the summer… we just want to feel light and airy at the same time! So, today, I thought I would share some of my favorite summer makeup tips. I hope you enjoy them! What do you do differently with your makeup in the summer? Do you have any brands or products that you break out as the mercury rises? Or, do you simply abandon makeup in favor of the ultimate comfort of letting the air cool your skin?

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5 years ago

You Won’t Believe What’s on Our Sister Sites (Video Update from Margaret)

One of the wonderful things about our community is that it is filled with women of all backgrounds and cultures, passions and interests. At the same time, as Sixty and Me has grown, it has become increasingly difficult to cover every single topic. So, several months ago, we launched 3 sister sites – Retire Different, Life After Death and She Cruises to go into the topics of retirement, spirituality and travel in more depth. In today’s video, I’d like to share the latest from each of these sites. I hope that you will make at least one of them a part of your daily routine. Have you visited any of our sister sites? Which one and what did you think? Are there any other topics that you feel deserve special treatment… or perhaps their own website and community?

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5 years ago

My Shine and Sparkle Makeup for Older Women Tutorial (Just in Time for Summer!)

Let’s take a break from the “breaking news” and craziness in the world and just have a little fun! Today, I want to share a sparkly little look that I wore over the weekend. I hope it inspires you to try something new with your makeup too! And, as always, please share your ideas and comments at the end of the video. I read every one! Are you ready for summer? What changes to you make to your makeup routine during the warmer months? What did you think of the look that I shared today?

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5 years ago

Love Your Body with Our 30-Minute Yoga Flow (it’s FREE!)

Over the last few days, I have had so much fun reading the comments from all of the women in our community who have started their yoga journey with our newly free to watch gentle yoga videos. We have covered all of the parts of the body that tend to give us trouble as we get a little older – joints, neck, shoulders, lower back, spine, hips, legs and so many more! Now, in this final video in the series, Cat Kabira offers a full flow that pulls everything together. If you are looking for a gentle yoga practice to reduce stiffness, increase your energy and improve your flexibility, this video is for you! Have you ever tried yoga? What was your experience? What do you think of these videos that we recorded with Cat?

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5 years ago

Give Your Aging Brain a Boost with… Reading and Writing?

When it comes to keeping your aging brain healthy, there are plenty of companies that are willing to take your money. Supplement companies tell us that pills and potions will keep us sharp. Video game companies swear that just 20-minutes a day with their “brain games” is what we need. There are even gyms that combine mental and physical exercises for older adults. Actually, this last one is probably a good idea! In any case, today, I want to talk about something simple (and FREE) that each of us can do every day to give our brains a boost. That’s right, I’m talking about good old-fashioned reading and writing. I hope that you enjoy today’s video! What are you doing to keep your brain healthy? Do you follow a special diet? Play brain games? Read? Write? Stay social?

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